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Hello SRKIANS! Hope you're all doing well. Some of you might already be followers of the incredible instagram account @calmingshahrukh since i'ce seen the amazing edits she does i just couldn't stop myself from writing this short story.

All the short stories will be  in your pov or third pov, i'll let you know. These are no y/n (your name) one shots. You can imagine to be the character as an actress or you can continue to imagine the real character that romances SRK.

Hope you enjoy this first one shot, let me nnow if you want more!!❤️❤️

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Aasiya's pov:

The night was filled with mystery and anticipation as Raees, my beloved, sneaked into my room. We were both young, deeply in love, and our hearts beat in unison. His mere whisper of my name sent shivers down my spine.

We moved to the balcony, where the cool breeze brushed against our skin. We cuddled close under the vast expanse of stars, but my heart raced with worry that my father might barge in and discover us. Raees, always the charmer, pulled me closer, reassuring me that we were safe, for the time being.

Raees shared his dreams of growing his business, and his plans to ask for my hand in marriage once he had achieved success. I raised my head from his chest, my gaze locking with his. His eyes, framed by kohl, held a world of emotion – love, loyalty, and a profound sadness.

I couldn't help but ask, "When will that day come, Raees?"

He grinned mischievously, "I just like to tease you, meri jaan."

But then I made him look at me, and in his eyes, I found a promise. "Don't worry," he assured, "I will talk to your father and take you home with me as soon as possible."

I smiled, resting my head back on his chest, pulling him closer. Together, we gazed at the stars, and Raees looked up at the bright moon.

"Inshallah," i whispered. He nodded, kissing my head softly, "Inshallah."


Raees entered the house with his friend Sadiq, his heart pounding in his chest. He desperately scanned the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of me, but I remained hidden in the kitchen. My mother, who was also my best friend, knew what was going on and noticed Raees searching for me.

My father, a stern and respected man in our community, sat with crossed legs, tapping his finger on the sofa. Raees cleared his throat, his nerves evident, as he looked at my father.

"So, what brings you here, Raees?" my father asked, his tone serious.

Raees hesitated for a moment, then looked at my father. "Ji, I want to talk about Aasiya."

My father furrowed his brow and glanced at my mother. "Aasiya?"

My mother couldn't meet my father's eyes and simply looked down, a sign that she knew what was coming. Sadiq looked at his friend, swallowing hard. My father, being the well-known doctor in town, had reservations about his only daughter marrying a gangster like Raees.

"Sahb, I came here to ask for Aasiya's hand in marriage," Raees stated.

I couldn't help but smile in the kitchen as I stole a glance at Raees. He looked dashing in his green kurta and black pants, his glasses giving him an air of seriousness that contrasted with his real self when he wasn't at work. Our eyes met, and I gave him a warm smile as I took a step out of the kitchen, trying to be closer to them.

My father erupted with anger, shouting, "Yeh kabhi nahin ho sakta!"

Raees and Sadiq looked at my father in shock. I walked further into the room, standing behind my mother, who turned to me and held my hand, signaling me to remain calm.

"Sahb, aap aise kyun..." Raees began, but my father grew even angrier and stood up.

"Aasiya is my daughter, and I know what's best for her life. Marrying a man like you, a gangster, will only bring her pain. I don't want my daughter to live a life like that."

"Sahb..." Raees tried to argue.

"OUT!" my father shouted, pushing Raees out of the house. Sadiq left on his own, already terrified. I couldn't bear to see Raees being treated this way and stepped in, rushing to my father.

"Babuji," I said, tears welling up in my eyes, "please, hear me o-AH!"

Raees ran to my side, kneeling down and checking my cheek, which had turned red from my father's slap. I was in tears, unable to look at my father, but Raees did, giving him a sad and pleading look.

"Badtameez ladki, did I raise you like this?" my father berated me. "To turn into this girl? You're the best student in your school. You're going to be a doctor in no time. Your exams are next month! Do you want to throw it all away for him?"

Raees turned to look at me, and I remained resolute.

"Do you think he'll give you the life you have here, in my house?" my father continued his tirade. "He's a bloody gangster!"

"No, he's not!" I argued, my voice trembling with emotion. "He's a better human being than you can imagine. He has a good heart. That's the difference between us. You only see his business, and you're so blinded by other people's words that you can't see the real Raees."

My father's anger only escalated. "If that's what you want, then go!" he yelled. "Go live your life with this man. But mark my words, Aasiya, don't ever come back to me when this man breaks your heart."

I stood up with Raees's help, as he still held me by my shoulders. I confronted my father, looking deep into his eyes. "Jaungi."

My father said the words that stung the most, "If you leave this house, you will no longer be my daughter."

Those words pierced my heart, and I burst into tears. Raees released his grip on me and walked out of our home with Sadiq.

The neighbors had gathered, drawn by the heated argument, and they murmured among themselves.

„I told you something like this would happen.." whispered Sadiq to his friend. Raees nodded looking around. Tears welled up in Raees's eyes. Sadiq had never seen his friend so broken. He placed a comforting hand on Raees's shoulder as they continued toward the car.

"BATTERY!" I suddenly shouted, and Raees turned to look at me, puzzled. There I stood, tears streaming down my face, but I managed a smile. I pointed at him and then at the ring he had given me, the symbol of our love.

Raees's heart swelled with love and pride as he saw the ring, understanding my message. The ring was a promise, a symbol of our love that couldn't be broken.

I ran towards him as he opened his arms for me. I couldn't care less for the neighbours around us. I just saw him, Raees.

I reached his arms as he hugged me back twirling me around. I could see Sadiq crying as he watched us.

„Is your father accepting our relation?" he asked as we were still hugging. My smile faded away, i was still in his arms looking into his eyes. „No, he is not. But..when i saw you walk out of that door..i couldn't breath."

Raees cupped my face. „You left them?" I nodded as the tears didn't stop falling from my eyes. „Aasiya.."

„I don't want to hear anything. I will always choose you, they will forgive me one day. We have Amma's blessing."

Raees wanted to argue with me but Sadiq stopped him.
„Bhaijaan, now don't argue with bhabhi but get married, before she changes her mind."

That made us both laugh as Raees again hugged me kissing my cheek. I looked up at him smiling as he wipped away my tears. „Battery huh?"

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