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AN: Okey before you read, english is not my first language and hindi too. So if you find any typo mistakes or grammar mistakes, i apologize right away.
I haven't seen Om Shanti Om in a while and thought to continue with this Movie. ✨✨✨

What if...Shanti Priya and Om Prakash Makhija made it out in time ? ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

The fire 🔥

Om's heart pounded as he entered the blazing building, choking on the acrid smoke that filled the air. The flames roared like a hungry beast, threatening to consume everything in their path. Desperation fueled his every step as he called out, "Shanti!"

Through the thick haze, he heard her faint cry, "Om!"

Following her voice, he stumbled over debris and made his way toward her. The fire crackled and the structure groaned, but he pushed on, determined to reach her. His eyes stung, and his lungs screamed in protest, but the thought of Shanti's safety kept him going.

Amidst the chaos, Om found Shanti, her face streaked with soot, her eyes filled with fear. Without a moment's hesitation, he extended a trembling hand. „Shanti.." he said slowly and tiredly, happy that he found her.

She extended her hand too and smiled at him. Om walked towards her and grabbed her hand with a fierce grip. Their fingers intertwined, their connection stronger than any fear.

„We have to get out of here before this building explodes." said Om coughing here and there. Shanti just nodded, never letting go of his hand.

Together, they fought through the searing heat and the collapsing surroundings. Flames danced around them, threatening to close in, but they persevered, step by agonizing step.

And then, miraculously, they burst out of the building just as it erupted in a fiery explosion. The shockwave sent them tumbling to the ground, but they were safe. They were still holding hands as Om pulled Shanti to a safe place. Where she and Om could hide from Mukesh's people.

Shanti took a close look at him. His whole face was buried in blood. She was happy that she was finally with him, he rescued her from the fire. Again.

„Om, you're bleeding." Shanti said as she pulled his face towards her. Om shook his head and held his ribs. „It's nothing, are you okey?" he asked taking a good look at her.

She nodded her head as tears rolled down her cheeks. Om nodded slowly. „Chal, i'll take you to a safe place."

„Kahan?" asked Shanti curious. „Ghar." asked Om as he looked at her. Shanti felt butterflies in her stomach. „Mera Ghar." added Om as he couldn't stop looking at her.

He knows this is wrong. She is married to the most known producer in town. And not to forget, pregnant with his baby.


Om looked at her belly.


I have to know if she's okey.

She doesn't know that i heard her talk with Mukesh..

„Shanti.." started Om as he looked around for them to start walking.

„Hmm?" she asked as they both stood up with the help of eachother. „We have to get to the hospital." he said looking at her as they again held hands.

Shanti nodded her head as they walked down the strees. Suddenly lights were falling on them.


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