Vikram Rathore

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Hope you enjoy this one shot requested by: QueenZain3 🫶🏼❤️

Vikram Rathore, a valiant soldier with unwavering loyalty to the Indian army, found himself on the battlefield, surrounded by chaos and the echoes of lost lives. The weapons, crafted by the notorious dealer Kalee, failed them, leading to devastating consequences.

Determined to unveil the truth, Vikram confronted Kalee, shattering his ego with piercing words.

In a vengeful twist, Kalee unleashed an attack on Vikram and his wife, Y/N, leaving Vikram battered and broken.

As night fell, Vikram lay by a riverbank, pain coursing through him. Kalee, reveling in his vengeance, knelt down, showing off his new gun before callously shooting Vikram five times. The cold night witnessed Vikram's pain, abandoned by Kalee's heartless henchmen.


Meanwhile, Y/N, unaware of her husband's fate, sat alone in a jail cell. A glimmer of hope emerged when an officer called her, claiming Vikram wanted to see her.

Tears mixed with a hopeful smile adorned Y/N's face as she walked to the meeting room. However, her joy turned to dread upon seeing someone else.

"Vikram is not here. I am Kalee," the villain declared, revealing the grim truth. "I killed your husband last night, but it didn't satisfy me enough. That's why I want to end you too."

Y/N, undeterred, faced Kalee with a steely resolve. "You'll never get what you want. Vikram will find you and put an end to your reign of terror."

Kalee chuckled, throwing on his glasses. "Nice to have met you, Y/N Rathore. The game has just begun."

Y/N, overcome by the tumultuous events, fainted on her way back to her jail room. Kaveri rushed to her aid, supporting her limp form.

Concern etched on her face, Kaveri sought medical assistance for Y/N. After a period of unconsciousness, Y/N awoke in a bed, disoriented. Kaveri, wearing a warm smile, ran a comforting hand through Y/N's hair.

Confused, Y/N inquired about her well-being, and Kaveri dropped a life-altering revelation. "You're pregnant. You're going to be a mother."

Overwhelmed, Y/N closed her eyes, leaning back and letting her tears flow. Kaveri embraced her tightly, allowing Y/N to release the emotions held within.


As the months passed, the women in jail rallied around Y/N, offering support and care. One day, during lunch, Kaveri approached Y/N looking pale and perturbed.

Anxious, Y/N questioned, "What happened?" Kaveri hesitated before revealing, "Someone is here to meet you."

Fear gripped Y/N as she guessed, "Kalee?" However, Kaveri shook her head, guiding Y/N to the meeting room.

There, Y/N was astonished to see Vikram—different yet the person she longed to have by her side.

"Vikram?" she stammered.

Vikram's smile radiated warmth as he approached her. Tears welled in his eyes as he gently placed his hand on Y/N's side.

Y/N, overcome with emotion, kissed his hand repeatedly. "How are you?" he asked, his eyes locked onto hers.

Overjoyed, Y/N revealed the news. "Vikram, you're going to be a father." His eyes filled with tears, and Y/N watched as one dropped onto the dark floor.

She made him meet her gaze, whispering, "Where were you? Where?"

Vikram, still grappling with the pain, explained, "Kalee came here. He told me you..."

Y/N interrupted, "Kalee knows nothing. He thought he could end me, destroy my life, our life."

Witnessing the transformation, Y/N saw the soldier in Vikram. "Kalee is no more, Y/N. You will be free. I came here to take you out of this jail."


The sterile scent of the hospital room filled the air as Vikram stood by Y/N's side, offering words of encouragement as she navigated the final stages of labor.

Y/N, her hand tightly gripping Vikram's, drew strength from his presence.

In the quiet moments between contractions, Vikram spoke softly, "You're doing great, Y/N. I'm right here with you."

Y/N managed a smile, grateful for the reassurance. As the intensity of the labor increased, Vikram's support remained unwavering.

When the moment arrived, and the cries of their newborn son filled the room, Y/N's exhaustion transformed into elation.

Tears welled up in both their eyes as they gazed at the tiny bundle in Y/N's arms.

"He's perfect," Vikram whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

Y/N, overwhelmed by the beauty of the moment, nodded in agreement. Their hands instinctively reached for each other, fingers intertwining as they shared a silent acknowledgment of the miracle before them.

"He has your eyes," Y/N murmured, her gaze fixed on the little one nestled against her.

Vikram, beaming with pride, marveled at the tiny features that mirrored their love.

The room echoed with the soft sounds of their son's first cries and the gentle exchange of glances between the new parents.

As the medical staff attended to the final details, Vikram and Y/N found a quiet moment to share their thoughts.

"Vikram, we did it. We have a beautiful son," Y/N whispered, her eyes reflecting a mixture of joy and exhaustion.

Vikram, overcome with emotion, replied, "I can't believe it. Our family has begun."

He gently kissed Y/N's forehead, savoring the precious moment. "Thank you for being so strong, Y/N. I love you."

Y/N's eyes sparkled with tears of happiness. "I love you too, Vikram."

"Have you thought about what we should name him?"

Y/N, cradling their son in her arms, looked down at the tiny face and smiled. "I've been thinking about it. What about Azad? It means 'free' or 'liberated' in several languages. It feels fitting after everything we've been through."

Vikram considered the suggestion, his eyes softening. "Azad Rathore. I like it. It carries a sense of triumph, a reminder of the freedom we've fought for."

"Azad it is, then. Our little free spirit."

As they settled on the name, Vikram placed a gentle kiss on Azad's forehead. Y/N looked at their son with a mixture of love and hope. "Azad Rathore," she whispered, testing the sound of the name as if to imprint it on her heart.

Vikram, his voice filled with certainty, said, "Our son's name is a testament to our journey. Azad Rathore, a symbol of freedom and the triumph of love over adversity."

Y/N, embracing the weight of the decision, replied, "May his name carry the echoes of our resilience and the joy of newfound freedom."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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