Aman Mathur

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in this one shot the reader (you) will be naina. The characters and some moments are like in the film, but the happenings are still fiction. Just enjoy and let me know if you like these kind of one shots. 🩷

The two of them were already familiar with each other, as Aman was the new neighbor and a very popular figure. Jennifer, Y/N's mother, adored him.

Jennifer owned a struggling restaurant, and Y/N had been trying everything to help her, but it was Aman who showed them that they needed a change. He took matters into his own hands and assisted in renovating the cafe, transforming it from "New York Cafe" to "New Delhi Cafe."

The people flocked to the cafe, leading to a million-dollar smile on Jennifer's face. Aman and Jennifer high-fived and embraced. Y/N watched, beaming, as she finally saw her mother overjoyed, all thanks to Aman.

Aman walked into the kitchen to do the dishes, and Y/N followed. As Aman turned, he said, "Ah, Y/N, why are you just standing there? Come and help me."

Y/N joined him, standing next to him, and as Aman washed the cutlery, she dried it with a towel.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," Aman replied without looking at her. Y/N gazed at him, holding the wet cutlery in her hand for a moment.

"Why are you doing this?" Now it was Aman who stopped the water and looked at her.



"Why what?"

Y/N continued drying the cutlery and kept talking to him. "Since you've arrived, so many things have changed. I see my mother laugh for the first time in a long time. And I-"

"I'm doing it all for you," Aman said, taking her left hand, which was free, in his. Y/N looked at their hands and then into his eyes.

Aman whispered as he stared deeply into her eyes, "I'm doing it all for you, Y/N."

Y/N felt warmth in that kitchen. Her cheeks turned red, even redder than the blush she had applied that morning. She let go of his hand and placed the dry cutlery on the table.

She wanted to walk away, but Aman grabbed the towel and pulled her toward him until their bodies touched.

"You wanted to hear that, didn't you?"


"That was a joke, Y/N," Aman said, laughing.

Y/N pushed him away and adjusted her glasses. "What's gotten into you?"

She walks away, leaving him alone in the kitchen. Aman smiles to himself and finishes washing the last few dishes.

His smile fades as he starts to ponder. He stops the tap and dries his hands with the same towel Y/N had just held. "Pyaar. That has gotten into me," he mutters to himself.

A knock on the door brought Aman back to the present. "Hey, Aman, Jennifer needs help with the guests. Are you done?"

Rohit approached him, placing a hand on Aman's shoulder. "Yeah, I'm done. I'll be there in a moment."

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