chapter 1

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(this takes place after him being in 42 for about a 5 hours)

(music for people to listen to)

miles wakes up head pounding every inch of him hurting but his shoulder, back and  head hurt the most, courtesy of miguel and myles, the teen was still tied up on the punching bag and he was hearing the clinking of chains witch he realised was him shaking. He didnt know why he was shaking it was cold in here but not that cold for him to be shaking but other then that slight clink there was nothing, no voices, no steps, nothing- he was getting worried mabye they figured he wasnt worth anything and decided to let him die. He didnt mind that to be honest

a few mintues later

the slience was really geting to him now, why was it so quiet? he felt really sick like he was gonna throw up , his eyes were half shut he clearly didnt look well and there was a now a small drip being heard, not that he heard it he was pretty much passed out again, he wasnt going to get better without help and if he was honest he didnt think he was going to get any. why would they help him? of all people? He was a mistake , he wasnt meant to be spiderman .He felt weird now- dizzy , tired, sick : defintey not getting better was he gonna die? He didnt seeem to even breathe right now. It was quiet and you could barely hear it, it was irreagalar as well like he couldnt breathe at all at some points.

He finaly notcied the drips, he could smell metal.Was he bleeding? probaly his back did feel weird  and at this point miles is just there with his eyes closed replaying the events of day in his head, was it even still that day? he couldnt tell it was dark still but it was raining so it could be anytime,when was the last time he slept? what a day ago? he could last a bit longer but he was exaghusted from the chase- oh god the chase just dont think of it , just dont

He heard footsteps, mabye they wasnt going to let him die in this place or they was going to end it all, thinking of it he wouldnt mind ethier one. he felt guilty thinking like that but he was being realistic wasnt he? when was the last time he gli- he started gliching why did it hurt so much?
muticolured light flashed across his face, bit of a cruel way to wake him up a little bit.

the door opened and aarron and myles walked in looking at miles, he could hear muffled discuion , his head was fuzzy and he couldnt make out a lot of the words,his eyes were blurry and unfoused he looked dead but you could tell he was alive barely he heard footsteps nearing him but couldnt find the strength to lift his head, the footsteps stoped infront of him and a voice spoke sound to loud to the silncece he was hearing
"you alive?" myles askes not really seeming bothered if he was. All he would do was nod a bit , he looked as if he barely had engery to breathe at this point he looked out of it myles cocked his head before speaking again "your bleeding , you noticed yet?" miles just couldnt even respond to that as myles walked behind him "dont even try run when i do this" myles muttered as he started undoing the chains wraped around miles as aaron stood at the door on his phone. Once all the chains droped onto the floor miles stood looking like he was going to pass out . myles moved his hand onto miles shoulder and miles flinched reallt hard and moved back so he pressed agaisnt a wall breathing heaivly and looking at myles with scared eyes not able to understand  why he did that "myles your scaring him, try show him that your not gonna hurt him" aaron said from the door looking up from his phone for a second before going on it again as myles looked at his hand , witch was coverd in blood "that would explain some stuff , sorry about that didnt realise that was gonna hurt you" he muttered as he lookd at miles who was standing agaisnt the wall , a bit more relaxed but still tense and clearly not doing well, he just keept staring at myles not being able to speak , he didnt know why but he just couldnt, he felt really weak like he was going to pass out any second

He did exactly that, going limp and myles caught him and raised a eyebrow feeling how cold his body was. "aaron he kinda passed out what do you want me to do?" he said loudly puting miles on the floor as he aaron walked over and looked at the simlar looking teens "leave him on the floor i gotta go somewhere" he sighed and walked out leaving them in the dark room. Myles propped up the drained teen and sat opposite them on the floor waiting

time skip

miles woke up after a few mintues groaning in pain and looking around and he locked onto myles "what happened?" he whispered as he looked myles who looked at him back not looking too hostlie but not exactly freindly etheir "you passed out, you also freaked out when i touched your shoulder" myles sighed getting up and looking at miles like he wanted him to follow.Miles shakly got to his feet and almost cried out in pain due to his back it should heal soon right?, if they dont know they wont ask questions and i wont have to think about it. myles jesterd him to go sit on the couch and miles did what he was told he didnt trust them but didnt want to anger them so he sat trying not to break down , at least not until they left, myles left after seeing him sit and he came back with a glass of water and a packet of cookies he also had a blanket . he gave all of the stuff to the half alseep teen, the last hours  still replaying in his head "im going to go to sleep , its 2am so i suggest you should as well ill come back in the moring to see if your okay and dont even try to leave got it?" myles muttered, when miles nodded weakly biting back winces of pain he left being alone again

He stared sobbing once he was alone not knowing how do deal with everything that happened, he wanted to save his dad but in the state hes in he wouldnt and he was in the wrong universe and it was all to much . He sobbed till he honsetly just colpased not being able to take anything else.

somewhere else

"where could he be?"  a voice mutterd as they turned to the others standing in alley as a portal shut behind them . A hand was placed on her shoulder and a britsh voice mutterd that we'll find him soon - hopefuly. Gwen findled with the watch and opened anthor portal, the watch read earth 456 and the group of people walked into it contiing the search

earth 1610

great!! where am i!?"  a voice said , its owner a white and black humiond who sounded annyoued  a rougher voice answerd from a cell near him
"jail, i know you, you worked for me and rumor got around you hate spiderman? if so,"
the voice pased for a second. "i do as well and i wanna offer you a deal" kingpin said from his cell and the spot got what he meant imeadantaly he opened a hole into the cell and kingpin walked out smiling. "nice to see you again, now do we let the others out? i have some very specail plans for spidey and im sure you have good ones as well kingpin" the spots voice rang out sounding unhuman now their voice reverabating around the practacaily empty prison

morales' house

the parents walked around the house pacing "where could he have gone, that emo came and said he wasnt here and i dont know what to do , was i too harsh on him and he left for good? i doubt he would but he could have done anything and we couldnt know" jeffirsons voice rang out sounding furstated and worried. "rio i dont know what to do with him. spiderman and me had a conversation and i yelled at him and he flinched but im not that scary am i? i think that spiderman has somthing to do with it, i used to think he was just a vilagante but now im not sure he doesnt seem like he knows what hes doing and we are really puting the cicty at his hands? i dont like him at all, hes getting a lot more cocky and he never seems to take nothing seriously" rio nodded and put a hand on his shoulder and her eyes had a look that said well find him.

They left him hangingWhere stories live. Discover now