Chapter 1

791 10 1

Gboy's POV,

As I woke up in bed. I turn my head to my Brother, Gman. Or his real name, Freeman. But we call each other by our nicknames.

I was Gboy, And he was Gman. I was more childish and cunning while he was more wise.

We both got ready for the day. We walk down the street walking past pedestrians and people alike.

Soon we arrrive to our destination. A franchise of the esteemed Modern Toilet Restaurant.

We walk in and take a seat.

As we took our seats. We suddenly hear a commotion. Then turn our heads to the camera headed androids coming from the front. In his hand he held a dangerous neural toxic venom gun. I look shocked for a moment then turn my head to the odd music. A toilet with a head sticking out dang out seemingly trying to protect us from the android who tried killing us all. As the entire room was filled with the gas. We hear the toilet with a head sing out an odd chant as suddenly we feel our bodies be merged with the toilets we sat on.

We then woke up to the sound of a man yelling out.


I wake up and feel that my neck was oddly flexible today..

I turn my head to where my brother sat and saw him-


I felt my body slide back and then I notice.



I spin around in a panic. Till I'm bonked on the head. By the biggest toilet there.

"What are you doing! Get in line for evaluation of potential and such!"

He quickly pushed me and my brother to the back of the line as we followed the large toilet into I also chatted with my brother for a bit.

"So we are toilets now? Right?"

"Seems like it?"

We get led into the sewer drainage system and deep inside it as well till we arrive into a very technologically advanced lab.

As we slid across the ground with the many others from the restaurant. We are all each given a ticket.

So here we are now. Me and Gman sat there with everyone else. Our numbers being 101 and 102 respectively.

Gman took the time to sleep. I took the time to watch the numbers slowly go up to our number.

2 Hours Later..


Author's Note,

Popular Demand brought this story to life!

So anyways I found out why my motivation was weakening.

It's because I kept trying to keep consistent on the word count in which forced me to go forward with my writing.

So just like the first chapters of "My Time in Skibidi Toilet"

This will be!


So stay tuned for this pretty rare fic!

And this time we aren't from the real world!

So yeah!


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