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Loud and cheerful sounds could be heard from the main dining hall of the house, a large dastarkhuan was spread and on that one could see many mouth-watering dishes kept on it. All that cheerful sound was because of the whole family who was sitting there having their dinner.

"Masha Allah... It's so good to see all of my kids and grand-kids sitting here together." Amma said looking at her two sons and two daughters. Their wives and husbands and the children of the family.

"Right Amma, it feels so good to have dinner with everyone after so long" said Fehmi, the youngest of all. She looked at her elder sister Faiqa, who has come home with her family after so long, and gave her a pleasant smile.

Both the son-in-laws of the family were being taken care of the best, serving one thing or the other to them.

"Faraz Bhai and Sajjad Bhai... do taste this biryani, it has been specially prepared according to Amma's recipe." Sameena said while offering them the dish.

In the midst of everything, the kids were having their own fun. Aini almost threw water on Fakhir, when he again took something from her plate, rather than filling his own with whatever he wanted.
"Stupid" the kids heard Aini referring Fakhir and they all snickered among themselves. Fakhir being the eldest among all, was looking anything but pleased. He gave Aini a look which clearly said 'you just wait' and Aini being Aini... ignored him like always.


It was after dinner and all the elders were sitting with their cups of tea chattering about something or the other while the kids were playing outside, when Zaheer entered and took his place. He then cleared his throat to gather attention towards him.

"As you all know what happened with me in the last few days... life is so unpredictable, one moment you are there and the other maybe not." Zaheer said while holding his mother's hand who was sitting near him on a chair.

Everyone was now looking at him with a concerned look, while he continued

"I have always thought of my responsibilities since Abba jaan died, my family and my work were always my priority since then and never really, I thought about my own self and what I want or desire. But since the day I got heart attack... I have been thinking about my family a lot more, especially Fakhir. He is my only child and I have many dreams and wishes for him and would love to see at least some of them becoming real before my time is up."

A worried and scared Sameena came and sat beside him on the other side "Why are you saying all of this? You are all good and healthy now, Alhumdulillah. Please don't talk like this." And everyone else nodded with her looking equally distressed.

"I am not saying all of this for fun, it's a reality and we all have to face it. Therefore, I have decided something and would want all of you to be a part of it with all your heart" Zaheer said and looked at Habib who nodded his head, as if he knew what was going on

"What is it Zaheer Bhai?" Aayesha asked while catching the looks shared between her husband and brother-in-law

Zaheer cleared his throat and announced "I want to see my son's happiness and him being settled down. Therefore, I have decided to do Fakhir and Aini's marriage."

By the time, he had completed his sentence... there was a collective sound of shocked gasp and an outcry from Sameena and Aayesha who stood up so fast from their place as if being electrocuted.


Fakhir who was unknown of the havoc which had just stirred inside was busy talking away with someone on his phone, looking all happy and jolly.

While on the other hand, Aini was sitting with her cousins and telling them about the Science Olympiad which was held last week in her school and how she had secured first position in it.

Both the kids, unaware of what was coming towards them were busy in their own bubbles and were enjoying their childhood days. Fakhir and Aini being a year apart, were actually in the same standard... which is 10th grade. Both of them go to different schools and have two very different perspectives on life and their future.

Aini being the studious girl of the family, has never disappointed anyone with her grades nor with her attitude, be in it school or home. While, Fakhir the only son of the head of the family was... well the little spoilt brat who really doesn't have that much interest in studies but is a cheerful and fun loving boy, and his interest in sports and other co-curricular activities could be seen through his shields and medals he had secured till now.

Being cousins and living in the same house was the only reason they talked to each other... in fact half of the time they are pulling each other's leg and one of them is being scolded because of the other one.

So, it was clear about how much they were on the same page about everything in life.



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