Chapter 1

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Originally posted on 05-27-21.


Dr Ritsuko Akagi let out a sigh as she regarded Rei Ayanami. Personally, she did not like the girl, the faux blonde scientist would even say she hated the girl at times. Most of her hatred for the girl came from jealousy. Jealousy for Rei getting more attention from Ritsuko's boss, Commander Ikari, who was also something of a secret lover to Ritsuko, and whom she also resents. But a job is a job, so here she was having to do a medical checkup on the girl her mother briefly took care of before then committing suicide, and who Ritsuko knew the truth about her nature. A truth which repulsed her and only made her disgust toward the unnaturally natural bluenette increase.

But why was she having to do a medical checkup earlier then it would usually be scheduled? Because the girl had a small mishap during the synch test that she and the other pilots took earlier that day.

-Flashback: Earlier-

"Alright guys you know the drill by now, just concentrate" Misato called out to the three pilots as their entry plugs were filled with LCL.

It was a while later when their scores were rising that the problem also arosed.

"Um, Senpai" First Lt. Maya Ibuki announced getting the not so good doctor's attention, "Pilot Ayanami's sync score is starting to fluctuate".

Dr. Akagi of course took note of how the Commander, who decided to watch over this test, seemed to pay more attention from his seat when he heard that.

Looking at the graph on the computer screen, Ritsuko could see that Rei's score was indeed both rising and falling from what it usually was. Though not by much, it was still a possible concern since she was part of a trio of emotionally unstable teenagers tasked with saving humanity.

"Alright Rei, what's the problem?" Ritsuko questioned, the said girl broke her concentration and looked through the open video feed. Asuka looked slightly irritated at the interruption, while Shinji seemed attentive at the mention of the first child.

"I don't understand, I am doing the same routine I usually do," was the dry reply that came. Dr. Akagi pinched her brow and held back a sigh, "Well, clearly something is wrong with your sync rate otherwise it wouldn't be acting so strange."

Rei simply closed her eyes and seemed to focus for a minute before her score started to stabilize slightly, but it was still fluctuating nonetheless. A fact noticed by a pair of eyes shielded by orange glasses.

"Dr Akagi, finish up the test. Rei, report to her office afterwards for a medical examination" came the Commander's stern voice before he rose from his seat and promptly left the room, the sub-commander following shortly after.

-End Flashback-

Normally only time someone would have a problem during synchronization with the eva units, it would be Shinji Ikari the third child pilot, which would be somewhat justified as he has had the least training.

But no, since it was Rei, she of course needed to be checked for something wrong by Dr. Akagi as God forbid the Commanders wind up doll struggle in a task she had been raised to do.

"Lie down Rei," the doctor spoke as she pointed towards the table, not that she should have to tell her what to do, but the girl being as antisocial as she is, is a nightmare when it comes to social norms everyone should know and often requires specific instructions.

But of course, she follows her orders as usual and lies down on the table. She still hasn't changed out of her plug-suit as she was told to go get her checkup right after the test. Leaving her reeking of blood that came from the LCL.

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