Chapter 7

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Originally posted on 06-14-21.


The sun just passed the horizon and let the night dominate the sky when the trio had gotten to one of the entrances to the geofront. Following Rei's lead, Shinji and Kaworu accompanied her down one of the maintenance tunnels that she knew about. They were going to use this entrance to get Kaworu into Geofront, once there they would enter Nerv headquarters and proceed from there, trying to avoid anyone else.

Kaworu still wasn't too keen on going into the heart of Nerv, though he was willing to help if it meant he could get his father back, and maybe get some revenge on Seele.

-Flashback: Earlier-

" ...your help would be crucial if we are to get rid of both them and the Commander," Kaworu blinked.

"Excuse me?" He said.

"We will need you to help us get rid of Seele, as well as Commander Ikari of Nerv." Rei repeated.

"Right, you just want me to help you get rid of the most powerful group of people in the world, am I correct?" He asked, to which she nodded.

"Uh Rei, why Seele though?" Shinji asked.

"Well Seele does control Nerv, the Commander reports to them, they also pose a big threat to us and everyone else. If we are to get rid of them, then we can deal with the Commander. It's in our best interest that they are gone," she explained.

"You say this as though you're sure I can be of help," Kaworu told her.

"Can you not?" She asked.

"I can see how, as I do have knowledge of their members, including the head of their council, but you can't do much with that alone, and as for the Commander, I don't know much about him, I only know what Seele told me and what I've overheard from them. But considering that he is less powerful, he should be easier to deal with," He said.

"Hmm, he is right, we can't do much if we can't apply his knowledge." Rei said as she considered it and looked thoughtful for a minute. Shinji then thought of something.

"Well why don't we talk with Dr. Akagi and the others? We might be able to figure something out then, right?" Shinji offered, making Rei look at him.

"Yes, you are right," Rei agreed, "It would be better to discuss our findings with the others."

"Others?" Kaworu asked. Rei looked at the boy.

"We will need you to come with us to Nerv." She said.

"Um, yeah, I don't really know if that's a good idea,'' he replied.

"Yeah, how would we even get him in? He doesn't have a card to get in, and I don't think we want anyone else to see us bringing a stranger into Nerv with us." Shinji pointed out.

"I see the solution as being simple. We will use another way."

-end flashback-

They had arrived at a maintenance and service section of the Geofront and made their way deeper into headquarters. Rei of course was able to identify where they were and how far away their destination was. Luckily, because it was the weekend, most of the office workers who occupied this part of headquarters were gone at their homes.

The bluenette then was able to quickly navigate them to the elevator door to Terminal Dogma. Only it was keycard protected.

"I don't suppose one of you has a card to open it, do you?" Kaworu asked as he looked at the door.

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