The Maximoff Twins

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A/N: I had a couple people ask for me to add Pietro and Wanda and since they are my sweet precious cinnamon rolls, I will be adding them to the preferences! This chapter is to get them caught up with the chapters I have already written.
Warning: If you haven't seen AoU yet, these may contain spoilers!

How You Cuddle
Anybody who knew Pietro knew how much he hated being told to slow down or stop. But when it came to cuddling with you, he made an exception. Often, he would lay on his back with you laying on top of his chest and the two of you would stare into each others eyes. He felt content and for once, he was okay with slowing down.

Wanda often denied your offers for cuddles. You tried the old puppy dog eyes but after years of her brother using them on her to get her to do things, she was immune. Then you pouted. And you didn't stop pouting until she sighed and dragged you to bed. She held you close, wrapped you up tightly in her arms and kissed your forehead. Wanda knew all too well about losing people, but she was going to make damn sure she didn't lose you too.

They See You Cry
You had known the twins since you were young, grown to love them and consider them family. You always worried about them. But you had never expected this. It had rained the day you were told Pietro was dead. During the battle against Ultron in Sokovia, he had saved the one known as Hawkeye as well as a young boy. But the speedster was shot in the process of saving them. 47 times. Mr. Stark had invited you to Stark tower because Hawkeye, or Clint as Stark had called him, wanted to speak with you. And Wanda was desperate to see you, she wanted to make sure you were okay. So, you were flown to the tower and that is where you were now, making awkward small talk with the one known as Steve and waiting to see who would show up first, Wanda or Clint. Steve figured you didn't want to talk, offered his condolences, and left you to wait. Wanda came first, her eyes brimming with tears you knew she was holding back for your sake and she ran to you. The two of you hugged each other and it was hard to tell who started crying first. It was then that you heard a conversation from down the hall. You recognized one voice as Tony Stark and the other as Clint Barton.
"What do you mean he's alive?!" Clint said, his voice helping you conclude he wasn't a very good whisperer.
"I mean, speedy here didn't die from the gunshot wounds. He was probably in shock or just unconscious. But he's not dead. Super-human healing and all that stuff. " said Tony in a sarcastic tone. He wasn't even trying to keep quiet.
Another voice was added to the conversation and felt your heart nearly stop as Pietro's thick accent groaned out a "Will you shut up?"
You and Wanda exchanged looks before bolting down the hallway, following the voices. It was obviously a surprise to Tony and Clint when the two of you burst in the room, searching around to find Pietro on a medical table towards the left side of the room. He stood quickly, wobbling only slightly before he was across the room and holding both of you in his arms. You let out a broken sob as you buried your face in his chest. You heard Tony and Clint leave and Pietro held both you and Wanda close to him.
"You're back." Wanda whispered.
"And I'm not leaving again. You can't get rid of that easily" he said, chuckling and wiping the tears from both yours and Wanda's faces.

When Wanda was still fighting the Avengers, she had used her ability on you to show you your worst fear. It was a surpressed fear, something you doubted would ever happen, but it seemed so real. Everyone you loved, your friends, family, the Avengers. All of them dead at your feet. Seeing them all bloody, bruised and battered, you felt yourself tear up and fall to your knees. Meanwhile, outside of your nightmare world, Wanda was watching you, seeing the tears in your eyes and trying to look away. She needed to get back and fight alongside her brother. But as the tears started streaming down your face, she felt guilt rip through her. No. This wasn't right. She wasn't supposed to feel guilty. She had done this before, too times to count. Why did you of all people make her feel guilt?! Suddenly, Pietro was beside her. He recognized the look on her face and sighed.
"She is the enemy, Wanda." he said, placing a hand on her shoulder before he was gone again.
Wanda sighed, wiping the tears off your cheeks gently before collecting herself.
"Right. The enemy." she mumbled to herself before running off to rejoin the fight.
(Sorry it's so short!)

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