Salvage Yard

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"How's it going with Kiara"JJ asked after complete silence overtook the group.

"It's not awkward or weird or anything"John B said in the most sarcastic way he could.

"Yeah I honestly didn't think you were actually going to listen to me"JJ laughed as everyone looked at him.

"What I was 100% sure she was into you Chase would agree"JJ said bringing Chase out of his trance.

"Ehh"Chase hummed unsure he never talked about this with JJ that was for sure.

"So like Kie she like definitely gave you the Heisman"JJ said trying to keep the conversation going.

"Oh no question yeah"John B replied looking through the binoculars still.

"Maybe she's just into somebody else"JJ said Chase was really hoping he would finally get his shot at JJ but he needed Kiara out of the way not like he was going to do anything about it.

Chase was now leading the way through the back of the salvage yard since he was the only one who knew his way around.

Suddenly a dog started barking at them Chase knew that dog but he didn't know how to get it to shut up.

"Oh hey that's a cougar never mind"JJ said attempting to try and pet it.

"Hi no stay there good boy no you're okay Pope run"JJ said trying to get the dog to back off.

"Back off back off back off"JJ said trying to get the dog to go away quietly.

"I got a toy boy wait no I was just kidding shit okay sit"Chase said running away as the dog was now chasing him.

The dog just wouldn't back off so Chase did the only thing he could and he climbed on top of a roof and hid hoping the dog would go away but it never did.

"What's that huh what's that Tebow what you got huh what you got"The man said is he finally arrived next to Tebow.

"Whoever's up there better come out I mean it don't make me come up there and get your ass"The man yelled at the roof.

"Wait Bobby don't shoot it's me Chase"Chase said slowly getting up with his hands in the air.

"Michael's kid what are you doing"Bobby said lowering his gun.

"I swear okay I didn't want to okay"Chase said shedding fake tears.

"Tebow quiet"Bobby yelled at Tebow Tebow stopped barking after that.

"My dad made me"Chase said with his hands still in the air.

"Don't you lie"Bobby said not wanting to believe Chase.

"He told me Captain Leo kept his cutting torch you know after he got fired he said if I didn't get it for him he was going to he was going to hit me again"Chase said shedding all the fake tears he could.

"Son of a bitch"Bobby muttered to himself now he believed Chase.

"I'm sorry"Chase said he wasn't done with his performance.

"Come on down I almost killed you"Bobby said as Chase came down the ladder.

"I know"Chase said sniffling.

"Here come on come on"Bobby said letting Chase take his time down the ladder.

"I'll just come up with something tell him I couldn't find it"Chase said walking away.

Chase wiped his tears when he was out of the clear he was so used to fake crying it was a easy acting task for him.

"Stealing drones makes you hungry"Kiara said holding the drone in her hand Chase managed to get away with it.

"What I would do to a beer shrimp and grits right now"JJ said patting his stomach.

"It would not be pretty"Pope said laughing.

Once everyone was in the wreck Chase and JJ were play wrestling in the middle of the wreck.

"Sit down and you two stop wrestling"Kiara said as she came out with a bunch of food.

"Oh yes"JJ said as he sat down he hasn't eaten all day.

After everyone finished eating Chase's favorite song came on the radio in the wreck he stood up and asked JJ to a dance.

"Care to join me"Chase said sticking out his hand.

"Of course fine sir"JJ said grabbing his hand and standing up.

"In my dreams you're with me we'll be everything I want us to be"Chase sung out loud while him and JJ were dancing.

Chase and JJ kept dancing as if they were the only people in the room and that is when John B realized his best friend JJ was in love.

The next morning The pogues were back out in the marsh determined to find the gold.

"What's this"JJ said trying to touch a screen that he didn't know how to work.

"Don't touch that I'm trying to work this thing out"Pope said smacking JJ's hand away.

"God bless geeks Pope truly man what would we do without you here to control the drones"JJ said padding Pope on the back.

"It's not a drone it's an ROV"Pope started to say before Chase cut him off.

"Shut up shut up it's too early in the morning for that right now"Chase said trying to sleep.

"Hey once we get footage of the wreck we will bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim"John B said he wasn't one to talk like this normally.

"It's bullshit why do we have to do all that"Chase said fully awake now.

"Well there's a salvage law you can't just go to the bottom of the ocean and start scooping stuff up"John B said replying to his friend.

"I know I know it's just lawyers aren't cheap bro"Chase said walking over to JJ.

"As soon as they see the footage they'll work for a comp"John B said everyone was confused on how he knew all this.

"How do you know all of that"Kiara said being the first one to say something.

"Because my dad said it like a million times"John B said as if it was nothing.

"Yeah that's fair this teether is like really long in the wrong weather it could get pushed around"Kiara said bringing up her concerns.

"Then we'll go at dead calm"John B replied he had no worries today.

"At slack tide so now we just have to sit around and wait for the right weather and today is not that day"Pope said looking up at the thunder clouds rolling in.

I'LL LOOK AFTER YOU JJ MAYBANK X MALE OC X Kiara CarreraWhere stories live. Discover now