Chapter 5

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Zane's P.O.V

Apparently Lloyd and Kai have been both hearing a strange voice and having weird dreams which doesn't make sense, so they went to the nurse's office and the doctors said they were fine. 

Maybe it's just home sickness that's getting to them. 

Jay's currently dealing with that a little, but he writes letters to his parents, and so do I. 

"New week, new activities!" I cheered as we were eating breakfast that morning. 

"Finally, I'm definitely switching a few of my activities." Jay says, as he grabs a pen to circle his new activities for the week. 

"Except the one where you and Nya are together," Cole sings teasingly which makes Jay turn a bright red. 

"You can't talk," Jay manages to get out while trying to hide his strawberry face. 

Cole just smirks at him before turning back to his breakfast. 

After breakfast and choosing new activities, I headed to one of my new ones which was theatre. 

For it interested me and I've never been one to understand jokes, Jay is quite the jokester but nothing that he does or says makes me laugh really like the others do. 

When I arrived at the stage, the counselor running the activity was currently juggling some bean bags up in the air, which was impressing some of the campers. 

"Zane, what a surprise to see you here." I turned around to see Pixel, she had a little mini jester hat on, "It is," I mumble to myself. 

"Why are you here?" She asks me. 

"I signed up for theatre, did you too?" I ask her. 

"Yep, I even got this little jester hat." She says, ringing the bells that were attached to the hat. 

We continue to talk about random stuff for a while till the counselor tells us what we'll be doing for the week, apparently we need to make a skit that we'll perform at the end of the week. 

"I know not much about comedy." I say. 

"Don't worry Zane, we'll figure something out together." Pixel says, giving me a reassuring smile. 

The fact that she said the word together makes me feel like exploding in happiness that we're working together again. 

Except for something we don't know much about and not something we would ace at as Cole says, I've never understood that certain term till now once I use it that way in a sentence, we start to talk about possible comedian acts we could perform together but none of them interested us that much. 

"Pixel, thanks for working with me." I told her. 

"You're welcome Zane, you're my friend, it's the least I could do." Pixel says, giving me her signature sweet smile that always brightens my day.

Lloyd's P.O.V

Today is the day that I figure out what's in the out of bounds area. 

When I had my free block of time, I raced to the out of bounds area, took a deep breath and started to walk forward when a voice cut through, "Lloyd, what're you doing?" I froze at the voice and turned around to see Harumi standing behind me. 

"Going for a walk," I said nervously. 

"Into the out of bounds area," Harumi smirked. 

"Yeah," Harumi takes a quick glance around her and then starts walking towards me, "What're you doing?" I asked her. 

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