Chapter 6

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Third Person

The next day came and Lloyd was still having a hard time trying to recall the events of what happened the other night back in the cave with Harumi. 

Speaking of Harumi, she avoided Lloyd during breakfast, knowing he would be wanting answers. 

When they went off to their separate activities, they didn't even talk then even though they had their soccer elective together. 

Speaking of electives, Jay and Nya were at their elective together as they talked about the motorcycle that Nya was trying to build. 

"Are you going to start building it soon?" Jay asked Nya. 

"I already have started silly," Nya chuckled. 

Jay mentally kicked himself in the shin for asking that. 

He was trying to impress Nya by acting cool but it wasn't helping him at all. 

It had only made him look like a bigger fool in front of Nya. 

He kept thinking about dropping the act but whenever he did something that would make Nya giggle or smile. 

He gained confidence little by little. 

"You stupid machine!" One of their fellow campers was trying to work the electric pencil sharpener but it had been jammed for the past few days, Jay got up and walked over to the electric sharpener looked at it, "Hey buddy, you just cut in line," The camper exclaimed as there were a few other campers waiting to sharpen their pencil. 

Jay looked at the pencil sharpener hard as he felt a weird spark coming from somewhere, "Yo mop head, you going to stand there or what?" Jay felt frustrated with the camper's attitude and when he turned around to talk to the camper, Jay's eyes were a sparkling electric blue which made the camper stop his yapping and silence and look at Jay with fear in his eyes. 

And out of complete nowhere, little bolts of electricity sparked out of Jay's fingertips and soon enough the electric sharpener was working again. 

"It's working again," This snapped Jay out of his trance and turned around to see the campers crowding around the sharpener to sharpen their pencils. 

Nya stared at him with curiosity. 

Jay looked around and then gave a shy smile before running away, "Jay, wait up!" Nya called after him. 

Nya ran after Jay to find him sitting on the creek shore, "Hey Jay, you okay?" Nya asked him. 

"I'm fine, I just wanted some alone time." Jay said as he ran his hand through his curly auburn hair. 

"Do you want to talk about what happened in the art barn?" Nya asked him. 

"Not really, but I felt odd for some reason like sharpeners just don't turn on like that." Jay said as he chucked a rock into the water. 

"Well it was strange but at least it started working again." Nya said. 

The two then sat in silence for a few minutes looking out into the creek, Nya got closer to the water and put her hand in and it felt so calming to have the creek water run up and down her hand in such a calm way. 

That's when Nya started to feel something, it felt like the ocean was calling for her or something, 

"Uh Nya," She snapped out of her trance to see a floating ball of water hovering above her hand, and her eyes were glowing a bright aqua color. 

"What's happening? Water can't just float like that." Jay exclaimed. 

Nya then lost concentration and the water bubble fell down and splashed into the creek. 

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