Wednesday: Welcome to Far Far Away!

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Chester shakes up Barnaby from the back seat.

"Wake up, bunny dude!" Chester said while still violently shaking Barnaby up.

"W-Huh? Oh, apologies." Barnaby muttered. "I must have overslept a bit."

Barnaby then turns to look outside the window next to him as he sees the buildings lined up in rows and rows. He is amazed to see such a beautiful place with his own bare eyes. Far Far Away looks a bit different from how it used to look back then, with there being more modern accommodations. Brian then pulls into the parking lot of a local inn. Everybody gets outside of the car and take a big breath of air. Except Barnaby, he can't breathe.

"Wow, such a nice place to be at!" Brian says in amusement. "It's got it all! What do you think, guys?"

"Not bad." Says Chester Cheetah in his usual tone of voice. "It's got a lot of nice things. Now, where is this Shrek guy you mentioned?"

"He's down by the nice hotel." Brian replied. "Him and his wife came to stay here for a while. Courtesy of Shrek, of course."

"That is quite sweet of him to do." Said Barnaby. "Such a kind gentleman would only do such for their spouse."

The trio then head inside the inn and get a room to stay in. They head upstairs and walk inside. The place is the slums. The bed is torn, the walls are torn, the carpet is torn, the television is torn. It's horrible! They then make their way through and get set up. Chester then sits on the couch and turns on the television.

"Dude, they've got the color bar channel!" Chester muttered like an oaf.

Barnaby makes his way into the bathroom and looks into the torn mirror. His anxiety and fear have mixed into determination and thrill. Now he knows he will help his friend. It turned from a question of if to a question of when. Though, he is still a bit nervous. Being in a new place with new people will for sure get anyone a bit nervous. Though, Barnaby knows he can do it. So he quickly rinses off and makes his way out of the bathroom.

"So, what now?" Asked Brian.

"What do you mean, Brian?" Asked Barnaby confusedly. "I thought you knew what we had to do to get to the temple."

"I knew how to get here, but not how we find the temple."

"Great." Chester chuckled sarcastically. "Now we've got to go rummaging through forests finding some old temple."

"Well, it is a structure in the middle of a jungle." Said Barnaby. "It shouldn't be that difficult to locate."

"So, we're going on a kind of hunt to fin-" Brian was trying to say before he was interrupted by a knock on the door before the knob twisted and turned as the door then swung open...

. . .

Shrek walked into the room with his trusty steed.

"Did somebody say a scavenger hunt?" Donkey yapped.

"No, Donkeh'!" Shrek said irritated. "They are in search of a temple!"

Barnaby then looked around for a bit before saying, "Shrek, weren't you on vacation with Fiona?"

Barnaby HarechesterWhere stories live. Discover now