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During the new season of Total Drama, the contestants that are still in the game are peacefully resting. The season itself is set on an aging train that possesses a looming sense of danger, as it seems like it could derail at any moment, potentially putting everyone's lives at risk. interestingly, Lazarus, one of the contestants, was voted off earlier in the show, only to be given an unexpected opportunity to rejoin the challenge.

The train swiftly glides along the tracks, propelling its passengers towards their eagerly awaited destination. though the noise from the train's blaring horn rudely interrupts Lazarus' already disturbed slumber, it merely serves as a jarring reminder of the challenges that lie ahead. the bed aboard the train, with its dreadful combination of creakiness, lumpiness, and unforgiving hardness, provides little comfort, making a restful night's sleep an elusive dream. as Lazarus reluctantly awakens from his unsatisfying rest, his already testy demeanor takes a turn for the worse, evident in the impatient flick of his hand through his disheveled, vividly dyed orange hair.

Lazarus sighs as he looks around the room. It's a simple train cart. Mildly dirty metal walls with old style wall wrapping starting to peel. There's a singular drawer for all of his belongings. Not that he brought much in the first place. Just his clothes that he never changes out of unless he showers or goes to sleep. Lazarus changes out of his pale blue cloud covered pajamas. Taking the entire thing off in one yank. He starts to put on his faded mahogany t-shirt. The smell being that of ashes, dumpster fires, old metal, rust, dirt, and god knows what else. He's used to this horrendous odor, therefore it doesn't even bother him anymore.

He then swiftly changes into his even more repulsively smelling cargo pants, the brown colour slightly desaturating more and more with each torturous challenge. He puts on a jacket to match the pants. Two furry shoulder pads that are an off white colour and slightly messed up. Lazarus then puts on his "iconic" hat. The type of hat you would see an old bush plane pilot wear. The hat is a dusty brown ushanka with two pocket-like flaps on each side. He wears a dull golden pair of goggles that rests right above the fur of the ushanka. Unconcerned about his disheveled state, Lazarus slips on his simple gray socks and layers his boots over them. his distinctive ensemble is completed with black gloves and a vivid red scarf, used to partially conceal his pale, freckled face. as he gazes into the broken mirror, Lazarus lets out a weary sigh, his eyes fixated on the singular section of white hair.

"Stupid genetics.."

He mutters to himself. Despite the white hair being caused by Poliosis and not being genetic, he still chooses to blame his parents and becomes salty about it. Lazarus looks in the mirror with tired and droopy eyes. Before the day officially starts on the train, he decides to point out all of his insecurities to himself. Listing everything he thinks is why he doesn't have any real friends other than Jose and Aibar. However Aibar doesn't really count since he was voted out, therefore the two lost contact with each other. Also Jose isn't really a "friend" per se. He's more of a weird and complicated person when it comes to relationships. He starts muttering about his insecurities and things he doesn't like about himself.

"Tooth gap ... .Poliosis...you smell like shit...natural brown hair, now ginger, freckles, nerdy...damn. No wonder you pull no bitches."

He sighs to himself as he rubs his temples in frustration. Wondering how the hell he made it this far or even how he managed to come back from the competition. He contemplates whether or not he should leave the room or stay in this little dungeon and cry himself to death. He lays on the creaky old bed and moves the tattered blinds out of the way so the dim hue of the morning sun illuminates the room. Sighing to himself. Thinking back to why he even came on the show in the first place.

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