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The high council sat before them. There was Crystilie, Azikel and Tylar in their dark thrones on one side and three unfamiliar angelic beings on the other. Their thrones were white giving the impression that Lilea and Ala were standing on a chessboard of sorts. Except, it was Ala and Lilea standing below them that were the real game pierces.

Bezilda had hurried to arrange the meeting. None of the angels or demons seemed pleased with this interruption to their daily schedule. Ala and Lilea had found their way back into the committee room, Lilea had first been taken to blindfolded. The demonic thrones were shifted to the side so that six thrones could fit but Lilea saw that the central table that had been filled with managers at the last meeting was empty. When Crystilie had appeared she had looked more surprised to see her than Bezilda though she had not screamed. Lilea had thought that Azikel at least would be relived, even delighted, to see them both alive but he was tugging at strands on his black coat and wouldn't look at them as he took his seat on his throne. Lilea could sense Ala reassuringly beside her but they hadn't spoken since... whatever that had been. She wished there were more people around here, more witnesses but there was no one but the council. The central angel on the throne was a wizened man, even older in appearance than Deleon with deep pockets under his eyes and strangely sharp teeth. He was focused on Crystilie.

"Why are we here?" He said in a bored drawl. His back was straight against his chair but there was a relaxed air to him. Everything reminded Lilea of the last meeting where Crystilie had insisted that no aid should be provided in the search to undercover what the angel's were doing. But this was different, they had proof.

"I rather think one of your own wants to answer that," Crystilie purred sweetly. The angels looked around curiously before their eyes rested on Lilea.

"You expect us to listen to a fallen angel?" Another on the angelic council spoke, his fingers were beating out a rhythmless pattern on his knee. Anger flared in Lilea, the same rage that had consumed her at the sight of Bezilda. She had bowed down to angels and demons like these her whole life, she would make them listen now. Lilea stared up at the angels.

"I have evidence that your managers are making contracts with humans, promising heaven in exchange for ten years of their life which they are turning into the drug Mortality." She held her broach high so that all could see it. "I move to have a full investigation done to stop this."

There was a heavy silence at these words.

"This is a grave accusation," Tylar said, "This, of course, goes against the very core of what heaven and hell stands for." Many angels and demons around Lilea were nodding though they didn't dare speak. Crystilie rested a placating hand on Tylar knee.

"You say you have proof, let us see it." Lilea reached to unclip her broach when she hesitated. Dread was building in her stomach, the same feeling she had experienced when Dani asked Ala about how she would die. She remembered what Raina had said. They gave it to me, they said it wasn't addictive. They said it was just for fun, that all managers did it. She had asked if Deleon was they and Raina had shook his head. She thought about expensive all the monitoring equipment had been and how Ala had told her how there was over five hundred departments in heaven and only three in hell. Lilea stepped forwards cautiously and handed the broach to Crystilie. She undid the back of the broach and slid the inner device into a section on her throne. Images burst from the throne to the wall on the other side of the room. Lilea watched the scenes unfold from her perspective. She saw, in double speed, Raina and Lethe finding them in the closet, hurrying them to Will. She saw Raina, panic in his eyes being rushed away and Rylan staring at her unknowingly. There were gaps, parts of the story lost when Ala's bracelet had been destroyed. Crystilie appeared unimpressed, clicking her nails against the chair. Azikel wasn't even looking at the video. But, as Lilea's desperation grew, the scene changed. Heaven's marble corridors were replaced by white hotel room which shifted into an open field. The speed was fast enough that Lilea's words were distorted but she still recoiled as her conversation with Dani was splashed across the walls. She could only hope that no one here could read lips. When Deleon appeared, Crystilie slowed down the footage. The angels sat forward in their thrones, all three of them glancing at Crystilie. Lilea could not close her eyes as she was forced to repeat everything. Despite being far away in hell, the same emotions of fear and rage resurfaced in her. Everything was a thousand times worse to relive. She watched Dani raise the knife to her throat and had to tear her eyes away to stop herself from shouting out as if her words could undone what had already happened. Crystilie stopped the video.

"That was quite comprehensive," she said, "I'm impressed. Not dying is one thing, coming back with this, is quite another." Lilea stared at Crystilie. She didn't look shocked. Scanning across the six faces, she saw that none of them appeared even remotely surprised. None of them seemed scandalised or ready to exclaim "we have to act at once." That was, except one person. Ala was looking not at her but at the council.

"Is that it?" she said to Crystilie, "well done? What are you going to do?" Crystilie removed the device from her chair. She lent towards Ala, her head tilted slightly to one side.

"You authorised this," said the sharp toothed angel, "you sent them into heaven?"

"I didn't think they would return," Crystilie said dismissively, "it seems like you need better security."

"You knew?" Ala in disbelief, "You knew what was happening in heaven and you did nothing? You sent us down there to do what, die?"

"I don't see why we need to be here," the third angel spoke, a man with a bald head and white robes. "Just kill them and destroy the footage."

"You can't," Azikel spoke for the first time, his voice pleading.

"They have done well," Crystilie agreed, "I should not have underestimated them." Lilea couldn't believe this, not now, not after everything they had done to get here. Someone had to listen, Azikel or some angel. If only the chairs around her were occupied. Each word Crystilie said resounded in the wide chamber. "They could prove useful." The sharp toothed angel traced a circle on his throne.

"The human sacrificed itself for you. How did you make it do that?"

"I won't work for you," Ala voice had risen higher, "How can you allow this? How can you let damned humans go to heaven and let a drug run uncontrollable there?" Lilea watched the central angels fingers skitter. That movement. It was the same movement as she had seen in Deleon.

"Ala," she said warily.

"I would not be so quick to dismiss the offer," Crystaline, carefully drawing out a scroll. "I can promise that if you sign this, you will not be harmed. I can give you exactly what you want." Ala stepped away from her but Crystilie was not looking at Ala, she was looking at Lilea.

"All you need to do is sign. Promise you'll keep this quiet and I can make you an angel again." 

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