Intro - Authors note

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So just a disclaimer, if there's names in this you don't recognise just ask in the comments because half the time I'll just make them up on the spot because there aren't enough people for me to write about. The story is set after they get off the train and starts at the concert at the end of the last episode. I tried to make this as accurate to the setting being the late 80s but I may still get parts wrong.

Chelsea - my head cannon name for the cassette girl from the end of the last episode. I changed her dialogue a bit so it would fit with the greeting message of the bot. so she doesn't say exactly what she says in the last episode and neither does Min-Gi or Ryan.

Ethan - host of a party that the ai came up with so I had to come up with a guy to host it. Teamwork. He is a friend of Min Gi that he met sometime while he wasn't with Ryan.

Olivia - Also a friend of Min Gi's. The Ai named her but I created her personality. She's mostly just there to create drama haha.

Emily - Olivia's best friend. She doesn't have much personality because i didn't really need an extra character I just wanted to give Olivia a friend. Yippee.

More characters coming soon probably idk.





A Rymin fanfic I co-wrote with a character aiWhere stories live. Discover now