Part 3: it's something I can't tell you

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Min Gi was so tired he didn't even wake up while he was being moved into the house. He was out cold, so Ryan had to carry him to his guest room and gently lay him on the bed. Min Gi stayed asleep, snoring a little. In the meantime, Ryan just walked out, thinking of what to do next now that Min Gi was asleep. He was glad his best friend could stay the night, but he didn't know how he felt about it, he felt guilty, almost, about what he was hiding. Ryan shook his head and smacked his face with his hands, trying to stop thinking so much about his crush and to just chill out. He decided to make tea for the two of them just in case Min Gi woke back up.

Min Gi stayed asleep, but a little later, he started to stir. Suddenly, his eyes shot open, as if he heard something. He wasn't quite sure where he was, so he raised his head to try and get a better sense of his surroundings. Min Gi then looked over and saw Ryan sitting at the table, drinking his tea. "Hey Ryan... You're still awake? What time is it?" Min Gi asked. He sat up in the bed while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "It's 2AM. I can't sleep... so I made tea to calm my nerves. I made a cup for you too if you want it." Ryan told Min Gi, as he swirled the tea around his cup. Min Gi raised an eyebrow at Ryan, but said nothing as he got out of the bed and walked over to the table. "Thank you." Min Gi says, as he accepts the tea and sits across from Ryan. "Wait, so you're up at 2AM because you can't sleep? But I thought you said you were exhausted from the show?" Min Gi questioned Ryan, and started drinking his tea.

"Well, you see.. I kinda lied about being suddenly so tired just from the performance, because the gig was actually really fun and gave me such a big adrenaline rush. But after it ended I just deflated a bit. I only felt tired because I just keep staying up too late, thinking too much about life. I just don't want to end up stuck in another puzzle train, because I fucked something up again!" Ryan explained, in a defeated yet frustrated tone. He was so mad at himself and how he couldn't just be happier now that his life was getting back on track. Min Gi could tell that Ryan was blaming himself for something, and he wanted nothing more than to help him, but he didn't know how. What was even more troubling was how he lied to him earlier on about being so exhausted. "Wait, you weren't tired from the show?" Min Gi asks, putting the tea cup back on the table and looking down at his lap. "You lied to me earlier about being tired..." Min Gi sighs, looking up at Ryan again. "What else are you hiding from me, Ryan?"

Ryan tensed up at the feeling of Min Gi's eyes staring into his soul, almost as if he was being scanned for weak points to get the truth to come out. He was really nervous but he couldn't let anything slip out, Just in case saying something would end up being a big mistake. Min Gi continued to look at Ryan's face, searching his eyes. He noticed that Ryan was really nervous, as if he were hiding something. Min Gi took a deep breath before speaking. "Okay... you don't have to tell me anything, not if you don't want to. But I'm worried about you, Ryan. Why don't you just talk to me about what's going on? We've known each other since the day we were born... I won't judge you." Min Gi tells Ryan, trying to convince Ryan that he could trust him. After what felt like an eternity of awkward silence, Ryan finally spoke. "...You know how you handed me that song you wrote, earlier? About our friendship, and how it means so much to you that we're best friends?" Ryan asked.

Min Gi listens intently to his friend, waiting for whatever he was going to say next. He nods his head to confirm. Just listening to Ryan speak filled him with this uneasy feeling he couldn't quite explain. "Yeah, I remember... Why?" Min Gi replied. Ryan hesitated for a moment, trying to convince himself not to back out of the conversation and continued. "And before that do you remember what I said about our bond and how I was like "we share the same dream, and we have each other, and for us that's enough." And you said "I'm so happy I have you in my life, Ryan. I couldn't go on without you." And... i was wondering.... if those words meant the same thing to you... as they do to me." Ryan explained, hoping Min Gi would understand. Min Gi looks at him confused, trying to figure out exactly where Ryan is going with this. "Uh... Why do I feel like I just said something I shouldn't have? I mean, yes, of course, I meant it. You are my whole life, but isn't that what all best friends say?" Min Gi replies. He chuckles, hoping that he's not reading the situation wrong, though he feels certain he already is. "But what exactly are you trying to ask, Ryan?" Min Gi asks, still super confused.

Ryan's hopeful face suddenly sinks back into the feelings of discomfort he felt earlier. He was trying to get somewhere but Min was a bit clueless when it came to figuring out his feelings. "Y'know what, it's really late maybe we should talk about it in the morning... although it technically already is morning, you know what I mean.. like later in the day.. since it's 2am and days usually start a few hours later." Ryan began rambling, trying to brush it off and change the subject. "Yeah, Alright, we can talk about it later. It is late after all." Min Gi said, too tired to continue the conversation. He yawned again, still a little confused about Ryan's behaviour and what he was trying to say. Min Gi's tired eyes and mind didn't catch on to the meaning of Ryan's words. "We should just get some rest, haha, we both probably need it now." Min Gi told Ryan, as he got up. He was really tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep.

"Yeah.. goodnight." Ryan said as he went back to his room. "More like good morning!" Min Gi joked as he went back to the guest room. They both slept in a lot after that weird conversation at 2am and a performance in the same night. Good thing they didn't have any gigs the next day, just their plan to grab coffee together, which they could do whenever they wanted.





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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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A Rymin fanfic I co-wrote with a character aiWhere stories live. Discover now