Part 2: The greenroom

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As Min and Ryan walk into the green room, a thought pops into Min Gi's head. "Oh, Ryan, I just remembered... I have something to show you." Min Gi says, grabbing an unfinished sheet of music out of his pocket. "I wrote a new song, it isn't fully finished yet, but I thought you should hear it. It's about you, actually. I think you'll really love it." Min Gi tells Ryan, and hands it to him. Ryan stares at the paper and then looks back at Min Gi. "A song... A-About me? Gee Min I don't think I'm that special.. but.. thanks. Is it like a love song but you just changed the words to be more 'best friend appropriate'?" Ryan joked as he started reading the lines in his head.

Min Gi laughed. "Honestly, you got me. I'm not the best at translating my feelings from heart to paper, I always end up getting it wrong somehow. But it's not really about love, not romantic love at least. If anything, it's about being thankful for having the person you love most by your side through all of life's twists and turns. I hope it turned out okay, it's a little messy, though." He replied, pointing to a few scribbled words here and there. "It's a work in progress."

"O-oh. Right." Ryan replied, while reading the sheet music draft. He didn't really know how to feel about it. On one hand he was excited that Min Gi wrote a song about him, but at the same time he didn't know if he liked having it in writing that Min Gi considered him a really good friend and only a friend. It's not like Ryan was ever going to act on his feelings... but he just couldn't stop himself from yearning for something more every time they were together, and thinking about Min non stop every time they were apart. Min Gi notices Ryan's mixed expression of emotions as he reads the draft. "Ryan, is something wrong? Do you not like it? Is it too mushy? You can be honest with me, I won't be offended! I just thought writing a song about you would be a nice way to express that your friendship with me really means a lot to me." Min Gi asks, as he sits down on the greenroom's sofa, waiting for Ryan's answer.

"No no, I like it. It's a great song. Thank you so much for making a song about me. It's very sweet." Ryan replied smiling at Min. "Oh, I'm glad you like it, Ryan. I'm always so nervous when it comes to sharing any piece of unfinished work, what if it's awful and I embarrass myself in front of the other person? But I really do mean it when I say I'm thankful for our time together." Min Gi says, getting up and walking closer to Ryan. Ryan blushes at Min Gi's sudden closeness and turns his face away. "Are you okay, Ryan? You seem a little red." Min Gi asks. He puts his hand on Ryan's forehead. "Do you have a fever? Or were you drinking last night and didn't tell me?" Min Gi continues questioning Ryan. "I-It's nothing. I think I'm just tired." Ryan responds, suddenly backing away from Min Gi. He walks over to his guitar, and puts it back into its case.

Min Gi was a little confused as Ryan wasn't usually this distant. It's not like he's never acted like this before but it was rare. Min Gi figured he was thinking about it too much and just let it be. "Oh, right, it must be getting late. Hey, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Min Gi asked. Ryan was a little hesitant hearing this, but tried to keep his cool. "Maybe.. Depends on what the question is..." He responds still feeling uncomfortable with himself and his feelings, but not wanting to completely shut out his best friend. Min Gi smiles at Ryan. "Well, I just wanted to know if you're free to hang out sometime this week? It could be anything! I just want to spend some time outside of band practice and gigs. Would you be down for that, Ryan? What if we go to that cool coffee place on the corner, you love their coffee, right? Or if you wanna eat out, that's cool too!" Min Gi asks, eagerly awaiting Ryan's answer.

"Sure... That sounds nice." Ryan responded. He did feel like they had a lot of catching up to do, so getting lunch together would be really fun... as long as he didn't get too distant again and make Min Gi even more suspicious of him. Min was a good guy and Ryan didn't want to worry him with his feelings, but he couldn't help but feel off, because he had been hiding his crush on Min Gi for so long. "Awesome! I can't wait to hang out with you. But I should head home now, I'm a little sleepy." Min Gi replies. He yawns and stretches, then suddenly gets an idea. "Ryan, do you mind if I crash at your place? It's super late, and my house is pretty far away, plus I'm tired." Min Gi asks, looking at Ryan and hoping he would say yes. Despite how much Ryan already wanted to be alone, he couldn't say no to Min Gi. "Alright, you can come over." Ryan replied, sighing. Min Gi was ecstatic. "Perfect! I was kinda counting on you agreeing." Min Gi confesses, laughing a little. "I think it's almost 1AM right now, I'll probably be passed out once we get there." Min Gi tells Ryan, and starts walking toward the stage door. Ryan follows Min Gi out the stage door and they make their way to the exit.

Once they get outside Ryan starts putting their stuff in his van. He then starts up the Van and pats the seat next to him for Min to hop in. Min Gi gets in the passenger seat of the van, yawning again. "Man... I feel like my eyes are gonna slide shut any minute... If I fall asleep on the way there, don't let me droop to the floor, alright?" Min Gi says, leaning back in his seat and shutting his eyes. Before Ryan could say anything Min Gi had already fallen asleep. Ryan just continued driving, unbothered by the fact that his friend fell asleep in his car, because it's happened a few times before. When they arrived at Ryan's house, He struggled but somehow managed to carry Min Gi inside.





A Rymin fanfic I co-wrote with a character aiWhere stories live. Discover now