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"Gosh,the sky is so pretty."

I say to no one in particular. Currently i am sitting in my room sitting with a bag of skittles and looking through the window.

I have always been fascinated with stars and well almost anything.
It must be because I dont go out much or maybe because I only know a few people my age.
I have one friend,Stacy who hangs out with me from time to time.

"Mel,baby come downstairs dinner is ready!" my mom shouts from downstairs.


"So,how's school?"
My mum asks while sipping the soup placed in front of her by Mrs.Jane,our housekeeper.

"Well, I got my english paper back..and i have got an A"
I say not looking into her eyes which will for sure be filled with disappointment.

"What? I thought you studied well for it. You should have worked hard enough to get A+! Were you distracted by something or rather someone?"

"No! I did my best mum. And who will I talk to? Stacy's the only friend i have and its not like you let me hang out with her alot." I say with mustering up some courage.

"What was that? You know all i do is for your own good Melissa and i really dont appreciate your tone" she says, with a hint of anger.

I sigh,"i am sorry mum. Its just that stacy is going to a party tomorrow and i really wanna-"

"absoutely not. You know how i feel about you hanging out with boys."
She cuts me off and i can see her gripping the fork tightly.

"Please mum, stacy is always talking about how these parties are amazing and I feel like I dont know anything about the things that teens my age do. Stacy is always like 'no you wont understand it Mel you are too innocuous'. I dont wanna be innocent anymore! I wanna learn things, to get independent and ready to face the world!"
I finish my speech that i had rehearsed almost 10 times.

"Well this stacy's has been influening you badly. I think you need to make new friends. You are too young to learn about 'things' anyways. And Mel you know, what mommy says goes.Okay? Now eat your food."
I look down feeling defeated and quite down hearted.

" so i heard from mrs.jane that you got your period yesterday?"
She says casually.

I blush hard. "How does she know that?"

"Well if you will put your bloody undies in the laundry she will come to know wouldnt she?" She says,raising her eyebrow.

I nod discreetly avoiding all eye contact especially with Mrs.Jane in the room.

"So tomorrow we are going to see Dr.Malik since you dont have school. He is an amazing doctor so you'll be in good hands." She says with a light in her eyes that i see once in a blue moon.

I nod once again,"Okay mum."

So this was kinda to give you an idea about Melissa and her relationship with her mom. Daddy malik will come in the next chapter ;) And it will be in zayn's pov.

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