chpt 11 ///

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Nobody's pov

"Please. Give him a chance. Im with u!" Finney said trying to let me open for my dad who is still waiting at the door for me "no finney. He left me since i was a child and never came back. Good thing my mom isn't here" robin said "well how do u know he's still the same?" Gwen stated "because i know him.! I know how he is and i know that he's here to hurt me and my again." Robin said shouting as gwen and finney jumped "sorry." Robin said looking down about to cry again "its okay its okay" finney and gwen ressured. As finney added his hand ontop of robins which was rested on the table "hey, u cannot keep that man waiting u have t-" finney was about to finish but got cutting off as well all heared  shouting from where the door is "NO! WHAT ARE U DOING HERE?!" "IM HERE TO SEE MY SON THAT U HAVE KEPT AWAY FROM ME YEARS." The shouting got louder "kept away from years?.." Robin said confused and shocked "oh." Gwen and finney managed to say as robin managed to get up and open the door just to meet his mother and father fighting "EXCUSE M- robin.." Robins mom said "y-you kept m-me away from my dad for y-years?.." robin managed to say all angry and sad "yes my son. She's the problem. She kept u away from me and told u another lie about me so she can get away with it because i was 'poor'" robins father said clearing things up "mom? .. Is t-that true.?" ROBIN said "robin loo-" "NO NO WAY." Robin said as he collapsed to the floor as finney and gwen came rushing to robin "BABE!" "ROBIN!" Robin heared gwen and finney scream as he reached the floor "ROBIN NO MY CHILD. LOOK AT WHAT U HAVE DONE." robins mother shouted "EXCUSE ME?? I DIDNT DO ANYTHING. HE GOT ALL SA-" "CAN U BOTH SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET UR SON??" Gwen said as finney was helping robin from  the ground ..



I felt like i was being in a dream and everything was starting to clear until i woke up and saw myself laying on my bed with finney beside me worried looking "f-finney?." I managed to say as i saw my mom , finney, dad and gwen jumped to me "omg baby im so hlad ur okay." Finney said as he kissed my forehead "w-what happened?" I said again "look son. Im so sorry for leaving u. But it wasn't me. It was . her." My dad stated "i always wanted to come and see u but she would never let me." my dad stated again as i looked at my mom angrily "im sorry dad for the way i treated u. I should've knew who the wrong one was." I aid as i give a death stare at my mom "ROBIN" gwen came in rushing to hugging me "hey ow ow im okay!" I said reassuring to gwen cuz she was hugging me tightly "i was so worried about u even finney was!" Gwen said "yeah i really was." Finney said as he gave an Innocent smile " i will leave u both alone" my mom said as she clinched to dad reassuring him to leave me and finney alone as gwen went out to leave me comfortable with finn "look baby, im so sorry . i shouldn't even let u answer the phone. Im really sorry for whats happening to u i really am. Im always here for u . fuck ur parents there gonna make u even feel worser that u already are. I love u." finney said trying to hold back tears but couldn't "come here." I said as finney go up and sat on my lap hugging me as i placed me hand going through his curls to calm him down "dont be sorry mi amor. U did nothing wrong." I said as i knew that his mental illness was starting to kick in again "no. Im a dickhead. Im a bad boyfriend . im sorry." Finney said crying into the crook of my neck. "No ur not i promise baby." I said still giving him a calming message "promise?" Finney said


725 words!

FINALLY UPDATED!!!!  so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating i just finished exams and i needed some rest but i decided to give u something for now because im planning on something. As i said there will be some angst so it might come next chapter . heheheheh anyways love yall and please leave a comment or something positive before u leave because i have been going down hill. Love yall!

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