I'm sorry...

12 0 0

Physically. I just got my English, Chinese, Math, Sci and Geog today (barely passed geo and sci lol)
Im not gonna spoil this one so just read it ;)
If u wanna know whats it about without reading the spoiler is at the end of the story

I drove back to my house, humming a small tune, as the delicious aroma of the take-outs wafted out of their plastic containers. I was excited to return to my house and spend time with my precious daughter. Since it was Family Day at our hospital, everyone had left early. I picked up some of my daughter's favourite take-outs on the way home. I couldn't wait to see her reaction upon seeing me home early!

As I parked my car outside the porch, I caught a small shadow up at my daughter's bedroom. But when I glanced again, there was nothing. Ah, it must have been a trick of the light. Or perhaps my daughter dancing around. I grabbed my purse, keys and the take-outs and made my way to the door. After a bit of struggling, i managed to open the door without dropping my bags and purse.

"Honey!" I called out. Silence greeted me. I sighed, a little upset. Since she turned 12, she had started ignoring me. "Hun! I got your favourite take-out!" I called out again. Again, deafening silence. This time, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Even last year, at 14, she was enthusiastic during Family Day.

"Honey, I'm coming up!" My voice rang out before fading into the silence as I put down my things and walked up the stairs that lead to her room.

"Baby?" I knocked on the door. No replies. I pushed open the door (my autocorrect changed pushed to pussy what) and froze. My beautiful daughter was lying on the floor. A strong smell of rotting flesh wafted up, making me gag. There, my beautiful daughter, was lying in a pool of human waste (A/N yall i did my research, when someone dies, their bladder would empty and their flesh would start to rot) and a thick rope was hung around her neck.

Surprisingly, it seemed like she was hung then released, but our house was locked 24/7, including the windows. So who could have released her? As i made my way closer, my eyes caught a pristine white letter folded in half sitting on Aria's purple (A/N porpol) bedsheets. I picked it up and opened it, scanning through my daughter's words.

Dear Mum,
I'm sorry I did this to you and Dad, you guys have worked absolutely the hardest to support me. But some issues in school (by some i mean a lot and by a lot i mean like a lot a lot) made me resort to this. This absolutely isnt your fault though you may think that it is, thank you for being a wonderful mother and thank Dad for being a wonderful father. But my schoolmates and the issues were too overwhelming. But I'll watch over you guys, love you!
P.S. see ya in heaven! Love u <3

I sat down onto the bed, my legs unable to support me anymore. My girl, my beautiful girl! Bad luck seem to follow my children everywhere. When i had my first two children, before i met my current husband, I, along with my late husband, was framed by some girl jealous of me. I was put into jail with him. When we finally was set free, my late husband killed himself after the overwhelming changes in the world outside of jail. I met Robert (A/N really couldnt think of a better name lol) and had Aria.

When Aria turned 6, I learnt that my eldest son, Evan, had murdered his own sister, Evelyn. Evan was sentenced death for murder. Now my little daughter Aria had committed suicide. I shook my head, only now aware of my salty tears running down my cheek. I didn't know how long I sat there, hugging my knees to my chest and crying, screaming into my hands covering my face.

Goodness knows how long later, i heard the front door open. "Honey? I'm home!" My husband's voice roused me from my stupor. "Aria's room!" I called out, voice cracking and hoarse from all the screaming and crying. Within seconds i could hear Robert's (A/N every time I type Robert I want to laugh) heavy footsteps as he made his way up the stairs. The slightly ajar door creaked open and like me, Robert froze.

"I..." He seemed to be at a loss for words. Tears welled up in my eyes again. "I-I d-don't know wh-what happened, I-I j-just came h-home and saw th-this.." I mumbled through my tears and lifted up my arm slightly to show him Aria's note, feeling as if my arm was made of wet sand. Robert (LMAO) took the note gently from my hands and read through it, tears running down his face silently as he finished.


Without another word, Robert sat down next to me and comforted me as I hiccupped, still crying silently. We sat in the silence, staring at the window on the side of the room, trying not to get the sight of our dead daughter and the smell of rotten flesh get to me.

We had both lost our precious daughter and ourselves that day.

So basically its part 3 for When I died... but its in Aria's mum's POV. Plot twist: Aria's mum is also Evelyn's mum
I really suck at endings so i went for the short and sweet one. Actually the ending of "When I died..." was from this book called "A Single Shard". I recommend yall to read it its really nice.
Okay until next time,
(P.S. Violet isnt even my name lol its a code name for one of my ex-friends but like oh well)

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