FIller story

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I know that whatever you're about to read is bullshit and not up to my usual standards. That is because I wrote this for translating into Chinese for my exam and I had to write short for the word limit. I am working on other projects but procrastination is not helping the case. I'll try to upload in this year.

"It's been ages since this kingdom has last seen rain or shine- and King Philip seems to have found the answer. Away in that small forest tucked away at the edge of Caroliya, lies a path of mystery and wonder, leading the way to a jewel, known as the Heart of the Dragon. Legend has it that the Heart of the Dragon has much power, and it is the key to prosperity for Karolinians. Anyone who wields it, if used correctly, may once again balance the universe and bring peace and prosperity to Karoliya once again."

Those oh so enticing words attracted the attention of Skye, who was sweeping the floor. Since young, she had been obsessed with magic, and had even played in the forest many a time, pretending to be a fairy, casting magic spells. Now, it seems as though magic's real.

"King Philip is hence trying to find a courageous young man or woman to help him acquire the Heart. Anyone interested may wait at the castle gates. But be warned, this will be challenging, as-"

Not bothering to hear what the reporter was going to say, Skye threw her broom against the wall and flew to her room, packing up a bag for the trip. Turning off her television, hand holding a sword, she ran out of the house to the castle, where a tall man, whom Skye recognised as the Head soldier, was standing.

Nervously, Skye approached him. "Sir Theseus! I'm interested in the quest to find the Heart of the Dragon." Her words tumbled out after a hasty bow. Sir Theseus's tight face relaxed. With a nod, he gave her a pouch no bigger than her fist and send her on her way.

The trip to the forest was easy enough. Due to her countless times going there, she had the route memorised by heart. However, the moment she stepped into the forest, the way became murky, with one singular bright arrow pointing directly forwards.

I need to follow it, Skye realised. She courageously took a step and found herself standing on a simple rocky path. Flowers bloomed, birds chirped. It seemed like... paradise. A singular golden arrow showed the way, pointing into the ominous darkness. Beside her, on the other hand, was an altar. On it were several heavy looking bags with gold coins spilling out of it. "Take one and receive none, or take none and receive." Was carved into the marble altar.

It had to be a trick, Skye thought to herself. There was absolutely no way that several bags of gold would just be sitting on a marble altar in the middle of a forest. She determinedly turned away from the altar and continued her way, following the point of the arrow. Behind her, the altar turned to dust.

After walking for so long, she was famished, thirsty and exhausted. Conveniently, beside her was a large tree in a large grassy clearing. A picnic mat was spread neatly on the ground below the tree, and there were all of Skye's favourite foods laid out enticingly, begging for her attention.

"Rest now and never leave, or leave now and rest at peace." A voice in the wind reminded her. Deep inside, she knew that it was a trick. But she was desperately in need of a meal, having only packed a few sandwiches that she had gotten tired of eating.

A little rest won't hurt, she tried to convince herself. She made her way to the picnic mat and sat down, starting to feast on the foods laid out neatly. Within a few bites, she felt sleepy. Skye leaned against the trunk of the tree to take a nap.

When she regained consiousness, everything was gone. The dreamy paradise, the trees, the flowers. She was once again at the start of the route, with one singular, glowing white arrow pointing the way.

Frustrated at herself for falling for the trick, she took up her journey again. Ignoring the altar of gold coins, she reached the picnic site again. This time, it didn't look as enticing as it did before. Skye turned away firmly, continuing her way. Behind her, the picnic layout turned into sand and was blown away by the gentle wind.

But still, Skye continued her way with determination in every step. Each trick seemed more enticing than the last, but she shielded her mind from temptation and continued her way.

Only goodness knew how long she walked, but she found herself at the foot of the final test. "Sacrifice them for your country, or sacrifice your country for them?" A booming voice, so unlike the other ones that had accompanied her the way, startled her.

Looking up, Skye saw but her good friends, her family, everyone precious to her hung in cages, slowly descending into a pit of bubbling lava

"Skye! Help us!" A voice that twisted Skye's heart called out. It was her late sister, who had died playing too close to a cliff. "Skye, you must help us! You would never leave us, right?" The voice of her best friend sent chills down her spine

"It's a test," Skye closed her eyes and told herself firmly. "They're not real." Her heart pounded against her ribcage. The helpless cries of 'help us!' flooded her mind. "They're not real!" She screamed.

Following her scream, her loved ones faded into gold dust, which solidified into the shape of a dragon.

"Well done, mortal, I must say that I am very impressed with how you handled my tests." The dragon bowed its head slightly. Skye yelped in shock and brandished her sword in front of her.

"Put the sword down, mortal. I mean no harm. I understand that you are here for the jewel, the Heart of the Dragon. You have successfully passed all of my tests, and I am impressed. You have given me the reason to bestow you with this Heart. But, beware, mortal. You can only have one charge of it before it must be returned to me. Remember, be careful what you wish for."

The dragon picked up a dark red stone from thin air and placed it gently in Skye's now open palms. With a swirl and a flash of golden light, the dreamy scape disappeared and Skye found herself, once again, at the edge of the forest. Stepping out into the open, shielding her eyes from the harsh light, Skye made her way to the palace.

Sir Theseus, upon seeing her, gaped. "You're back! I don't believe it! It's been nearly a month since you left, King Philip nearly lost hope." A month-? It couldn't have been that long, right?

Skye didn't speak as she followed Sir Theseus into the castle and into the throne room, where King Philip was pacing around. "Your Majesty." Sir Theseus said, catching the attention of the anxious king. Once he saw Skye, his worry lines ceased.

"you're back! Praise the stars!" King Philip shook her hand excitedly. With caution, he took the Heart from Skye and lead them to the jewel room. In the middle was a glass container lined with silk, placed under the a glass window. Slowly and carefully, King Philip placed the jewel into the box.

"Heart of Stone and Soul of the Dragon, bring prosperity back to the valley." King Phlip announced. A beam of red light shone into the sky. As Skye watched in wonder, clouds formed and thunder rumbled in the sky. Soon, rain started pouring and the beam of light shut off. Inside the glass container, the jewel vanished, instead replaced by a small golden statue of a dragon.

"Thank you, young one, as you have brought peace and prosperity back to Karoliya." Skye bowed in return. It was truely an unforgettable journey, As she made her way back out of the castle, walking in the cooling rain, she thought about the tests. Life may not always be smooth-sailing, but through perseverence, she could pass the challenges and succeed, emerging stronger.

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