Chapter 4- The Hooded One

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Have you ever been through a sewer system? Didn't think so. Down there, it's like a maze. There are a bazillion different pathways, all leading to different (and largely undesirable) locations. Whose idea it was to connect the prison cells and the sewer systems, I don't know.

I won't tell you all the boring details of how long it took to get out of there. Rest assured it was not a pleasant experience.

Skip an hour or two later. Link has successfully found his way out of the sewers/ prison cells, and we have found a dilapidated old staircase to go up. It was stone, but parts had fallen away, and they had been replaced by ropes. Nice. What kind of creature can crawl across ropes? Wait a second, wolves can. Good thing, too.

Anyway, we went up the staircase (if you could call it that), and found ourselves outside. Link got his first glimpse into the world of the Twilight. Finally.

"So, we're finally able to get out! And look at the sky! Isn't the black cloud of Twilight looking beautiful today?" No response. None expected.

"Do you know where this is?" No reaction to imply that Link knew. "You STILL don't know?" I giggled. "Look, there's someone I want to introduce you to, but you'll need to get to that tower over there to do it." Link started moving, so I assume he heard me.

We walked for a little bit, then saw a spirit- you know, a human who turned into a spirit in the Twilight. This concept was new to Link, so I had to explain it.

"So, there are spirits up here, huh? The whole spirit thing's pretty new to you, isn't it? It's funny- even though these guys can see monsters, they don't know a thing about you! If you think I'm lying, why not check it out?" Then I giggled.

Link honed his senses, and listened to the spirit. It was another soldier. He talked about how afraid of the monsters he was, then he let the cat out of the bag: "Ah, our poor Hyrule castle!"

Link seemed to register understanding. I giggled. "You know, that's not who I wanted you to meet. Anyway, let's just try to get to that tower."

It took awhile, but we eventually made it to the tower. Lots of house jumping. I admit, the job would have been a hundred times easier if we weren't pursued by evil monster birds. Link fought off as many as he could, but there was still a large group attacking us when we reached the tower.

We walked in, and encountered a large spiral staircase. Link instictivally went up the staircase, and reached a large pair of doors. He pushed them open.

Then Link saw a figure standing by a large window.

The figure turned around, wearing a thick hooded cloak. Link was suspicious, that much was certain. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Link could be so paranoid at times.

"Midna?" the figure said to me. Yeah, we know eachother. Would I introduce Link to somebody I didn't know?

I giggled. "You remembered my name! What an honor for me."

The hooded figure continued talking. "So, this is the one for whom you were searching."

"Yeah, he's not exactly what I had in mind, but I guess he'll do."

The figure leaned down, looking Link straight in the eye, and also noticing the remnants of the chain I blasted off earlier. I broke the chain, but I didn't completely remove the chain from Link.

"You were imprisoned? I am sorry." The figure could be very sympathetic.

"Yeah, poor thing has no idea where he is or what's happened. So, don't you think you should explain to him what you've managed to do? You owe him that much... Twilight Princess!" Then I giggled.

The figure's head bowed. "Listen carefully."

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