Chapter 6- Escape From The Twilight Zone

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I already knew it was Zelda. Link didn't. He was surprised, to say the least.

"You don't have to look so sad," I said to Zelda. "We actually find it to be quite livable! I mean, is perpetual twilight really all that bad?" Seriously, folks, what's wrong with it? Nobody gets sunburned!

Zelda wasn't pleased. "Midna, this is no time for levity." Aww, but I like levity so much! *sigh*

"The shadow beasts have been searching far and wide for you," she continued. "Why is this?"

That's a painful subject. I'd rather not talk about it. I deflected her efforts.

"Why indeed? You tell me!" Then I giggled. I had turned around, my back was to Zelda.

Well, we had the information we needed. It was time to leave.

"Time has grown short, and the guard will soon make his rounds. You must leave here, quickly." That's our signal to go.

Link (with me on his back, hehehe) ran out the door. He was about to run down the stairs, when I pulled on his ears. And Link stopped.

There were footsteps, and lantern light. "Not that way! The guard's coming! Boy, he's prompt." I whispered frantically.

Great, now we have to find ANOTHER way out. I looked around, and I saw the window we first came through. Link jumped up and out.

While Link admired the beautiful Twilight scenery, I hopped along the rooftops and landed on a distant roof. Link, of course, followed. I turned around.

I giggled. "Well? Do you understand where we are now?"

He seemed to register understanding, so I continued. "I guess a promise is a promise, so I'll let you go back to where you first tumbled into Twilight, but are you really sure you should be going back?"

If wolves can frown, Link frowned at me.

I smiled enigmatically. "Are you sure you aren't forgetting anything... important?"

Then I pulled another trick. I can mimic stuff, and I had seen when Link's friends got kidnapped. I mimicked their appearance, the way they looked when they were captured.

Oh, that got a reaction, all right. Link gasped a wolfish gasp, and I might have seen his eyes tear up a bit. Not that I cared.

I giggled. "Do you want to save them?" He seemed to want me to. "Well, in that case, little Midna would be happy to help you!" I was speaking in the form of Link's friend... oh, what's her name... Ilia, that's it. And I lied, I didn't actually care what happened to Ilia.

"But... Well, you'd have to be my servant. And like a servant, you'd have to do exactly as I say! Why don't you go back, take a little time, and give it some thought." Then I giggled.

Then I Twilitized him so he could go back. Twilitizing is the primary mode of transportation where I come from. It has to do with turning a person or object into hundreds of squares of Twilight, and then transporting the squares. Not difficult magic, but when Twilight walls are involved, it gets more complex, and almost randomized at times. Fortunately, there were no issues in getting out... this time.

A few moments later, Link came out the Twilight portal above the Spirit pond. I'll give you the summed up version: Back in Chapter 1, when those monsters appeared in the pond to kidnap Ilia and Colin, one of them summoned up a portal so Shadow beasts could attack the pond, and critically injure Ordon's only defense against the Twilight. Link had killed them, of course. But they left a portal, and that's what I used to transport Link back. So much easier than creating a portal, which I can't exactly do very much. It's complicated.

Anyway, Link was back in the pond. Except...

"Oh, that's right, I forgot to mention one thing... Though you may have left the Twilight realm, you haven't transformed back to your former self... and you won't anytime soon! Now why could that be?"

I giggled. "See you later!" Leaving poor Link all alone. He'd be fine

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