Japan (SuLay)

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"Really mom? We're going to Japan? But what about Minseok?!" Junemyeon was happy and worried at the same time, "How can you people leave her behind like that?"

"It just happened, it was a last minute flight,we thought she was right behind us, but don't worry, she's in good hands." Mrs.kim explained.

"Good hands?" Junemyeon raised her eye brow, "You left him in the hands of a guy, what if he does something?"

"Don't worry Kiddo, she can take care of herself, besides he's someone Minseok knows." Mr.kim said

"Really? Who?"

"Kim Jongdae." Mrs.kim smiled, "The boy she used to play with when she was younger."


Yixing waved a good bye to his parents, they had to go back early and yixing wanted to stay a bit more, clear up the things in Japan. He went out and called a taxi. The taxi stopped,he ran to it but when he reached the door handle someone else placed their hand on it too. He looked at the other person, it was a girl, a really pretty girl.

"I was here first!! " she yelled. Yixing jumped back ,shocked, "o-okay, you can take it!"

"Really? " she was a bit surprised "Thanks."

"Junemyeon that's not nice, the young man called the taxi." Mrs. Kim spoke.

She pouted ,"He said its okay to take it." She then turned to look at Yixing,"Right!?"

"Yes..." He nodded and thought 'Junemyeon...'

"Okay, so lets get on! " Junemyeon was excited jumping up and down, unable to hide her excitement.

Her parents got on and before she was going to she turned to look at Yixing to thank him again but her words were caught in her throat when she turned only to see him staring back at her with a sweet smile.

"Have a nice day, Junemyeon."

An angelic smile on his face, Junemyeon could only stare and finally she just made a slight nod.


Three days passed, The Kim family was enjoying their tour, especially Junemyeon.

"Coming to Japan was the best idea ever!!" She said and spun around in glee, but she couldn't get 'that' boy out of her mind.They were walking on side way of the road, on both sides were cherry blossom trees, making the pathway beautiful. The sight of those pink petals slowly falling down melted the heart.

Junemyeon was busy looking at those falling petals when she bumped into someone. The persons files fell down.

"Oh! I'm sorry! " she said immediately and crouched down to pick them up.

The person crouched too, "it's okay." He said. Junemyeon gathered some of the files, stood up along that person and was about to hand over the files when she saw his face and he hers.

"Ah! It's you."

He looked at her surprised face and smiled

"Yixing." He said


"My name, Zhang Yixing."

"Kim Junemyeon." Junemyeon was beyond happy for some reason.

They both stood there in silence for some time, neither of them knew what to say. It was getting a bit awkward when Mr and Mrs. Kim called Junemyeon, "Daughter! We're leaving for now, you can stay for a while if you want."

Junemyeon looked at them and they just gave her a thumbs up and left. What!?

"So...." Yixing started "If you're free..."

"I'm totally free!!" She said immediately and then thought 'Shit! Did I make it to obvious?'

Yixing smiled at her response. 'Don't smile like that, it melts me heart' Junemyeon was mesmerised by his smile.

"Shall we go to a cafe?" He said and Junemyeon nodded.

They walked in silence.

They sat outside and ordered bubble teas. Slowly slowly they stared talking. Yixing was a Chinese and came to Japan with his parents for some bussiness. His parents left early, they had alot to do back in China so they left Yixing to do the rest. He and Junemyeon are 2 years apart. Yixing is 22. He's going to gratuade from university next year and take after his parents bussiness.

Junemyeon is 20. A university student. She came on a trip with her parents but her parents seem to want some personal time and she visits places on her own. But still she find Japan an amazing place.

One thing they had in common, they both loved anime.

"How bout i take you some where tomorrow?" Yixing asked.

"Ah......" She wasn't sure, going out with a guy like this was a first, she was confused, she never really felt attracted to a guy before, maybe it's because he's really handsome?

"You don't want to....?" Yixing tilted his a bit. His eyes demanding a yes.

"No! No! I would love to." She said impulsively. 'Why did I do that?' She thought.

Yixing gave a warm, angelic smile and Junemyeon only stared thinking ,'Did u fall from the heavens?'


Authors note

                     I'm gonna write a bit of Sulay now. I'll try to finish it in 2-3 chapters.

Those who are reading it . Thankyou.

Liking someone can be really hard.... *sigh* I know...

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