EP1, Pt3: Kaotic Encounter

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"You there!" I yell at the suspicious man.

"Wa? Who are you?!"

"I overheard you talking about your evil scheme, and how it was, in fact, an evil plan."

"See sir, this is why you should never talk about your plans while enacting them." The Troll said.

"Silence Glumshanks! You will see how I deal with INTALOPERS! Now reveal yourself so that I may annihilate you!" He yells.

'Hey, Cynder.'

'Yes, love?'

'Well A: call me that more, B: I found a test subject for our fighting strategy~'

'Ooh, ooh! Coming!'

"Alright odd small bald man! I'll take it upon myself to put an end to your evil scheme."

'Good night Spyro.' Cynder says.

'Night hun~'

'Ooh! Call me that more!'

'Will do, Hun.'


"So, what? Are you gonna do something or are you just going to hide like a scared baby?"

"Well, first I was thinking we would introduce ourselves, I mean, who just fights someone you don't know the name of?"

"Ah! I see... In that case... Know this interloper! I am Kaos! Bow before my awesome might!!!" Kaos says, looking around for me.

"Sir, are you sure you should be announcing your presence like this?"

"Silence Glumshanks! I will not tolerate insubordination!"

"O-K then... um, that was... eccentric. I'm Spyro, the Purple Dragon!"

'Alright Sypro I'm here, let's see... that's our target?'

'Yes, hun.'

"Who has the title 'Purple Dragon' I mean really, what does that even mean?"

'Interesting,' I heard Cynder communicate.

'We'll talk about that later. For now, let's test our fighting style, if it looks like we're going to lose, then I'll take complete control. and we can talk about what went wrong, and what went right.'

'Sounds like a plain!'

 "Oh, and I'm not scared!" I yell to Kaos.

I allowed Cynder to have control of my body, she'll need the experience of fighting in a baby form if we want a chance at Malefor. 

"So wait, are you just a baby?"

Cynder responded by melting us into the shadows and appearing behind Kaos, then using ice breath to freeze Kaos and Glumshanks to the ground.

"EH!?" Kaos yelped in surprise and then destroyed the ice binding him to the ground. But in that time Cynder counted by using my fire breath to which Kaos used his own dark lightning magic to intercept.

'Seems like normal breaths won't cut it.' I suggest.

'Yeah, I don't want to, but I guess we should try out Aether breath.'

After the short laser fight ended in a draw Cynder flew back and we used our Aether breath, illuminating the entire campus. We were sure not to use it at full power so as to not destroy the island, because of this Kaos was able to dodge the blast that hit with a loud *BOOM* and sent small pieces of shrapnel at Kaos who created a shield to protect himself.

"Why does a small dragon, like you, have that much power? I mean, isn't this a little much!?"

"You know, I felt the same way. But we're looking to fight Malefor, and compared to him, you're nothing. Though I guess using our ace might have been a tad bit overkill. Well, we started so I guess we have to commit."

"Love, I think we might need to tone it down, we don't want to wake everyone else up."

"Oh, fine-"

"I think it's too late for that," said a familiar voice.

"Eon!?" Kaos said and started running away.

"I don't think so, Kaos!" Eon said as other Skylanders appeared all around Kaos.

"We were lucky that Spyro was able to catch you before anything bad could happen."

After a short fight, Kaos got away and, Cynder and I began to sneak away but were stopped by Eon.

"Oooh, hey Eon..." Cynder said, 'Spyro take over please'.

"Eon! How's it been?"

"Young dragon, you should be in bed, not fighting internationally wanted criminals!"

"Wait, HE was an internationally wanted criminal? But he was so weak! Even I could be him! And I'm a baby! Actually, we were just about to beat him before you guys showed up..."

"You what!?"


'Spyro, love, next time, I do the talking.'

'You too? What did I do?'

'Nothing, just don't tell them about us being together, that might take some explaining.'

'OOH! Yeah, I won't.'

"Wait, don't tell me that explosion was you," Eon said.

"Ok then, I won't."

'Good job! Now I'm taking over.'


"And why do you keep referring to yourself as 'we'? You're just one dragon."



"We'll explain in private," Cynder said after some deliberation.

After getting back to our room we explained to Eon our situation. Eon took it surprisingly well. And we got him not to tell anyone, which was a relief.

"So, Cynder is stuck in the clutches of Malefor and scared that she'll be corrupted again."

"Yep," I say.

"And you're training to defeat him so that you two can reunite."

"Essentially," Cynder confirms.

"Because you guys were separated after you both sacrificed yourselves to save the world from total annihilation."


"I find this very hard to believe. From my perspective, you are a newborn child."

"Yeah, well we're actually 19 years old."

"I see... Well, I'll see what I can do. You two have fun in bed! Wow, that came out wrong."

"What do you mean?" I ask for the both of us.

"It's nothing, just enjoy you're time together. While I research reincarnation."

"Alright! Good night Master Eon," Cynder says.

"Good night Spyro and Cynder."

Eon leaves the room and I go to bed. It was a long night and I needed rest. I fell asleep almost instantly and spent the rest of the night dream cuddling together with Cynder.

Over the next couple of days, Cynder and I would practice fighting techniques and devise strategies to defeat Malefor. That was until the 4th day.

'I think I can just leave him,' She says.

'What do you mean?'

'I mean that Malefor is on a trip and won't be back for a while, so I think this is a good time to run away!'

'Alright then! You start running and I'll go to sleep just in case anything goes wrong.'

'Alright! I'm counting on you!'

I quickly ran to my room and tried my best to go to sleep, even though my excitement tried to keep me awake, I managed to fall asleep and view the world through the eyes of Cynder, for the first time.

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