EP1, Pt4: Escape From the Dark Lord's Clutches

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Alright, Malefor! Time for baby Cynder's heroic escape! But while flying I realized something: I don't know the way out of here! Wait, no, I mustn't panic If I want to get back to Spyro, I need to escape. Even if I don't know where I'm going, I can just ask for directions. Yeah! But who would listen to a baby!? I must be crazy if I think that anyone would listen to me! Then again... if I were to take off this useless diaper, I may be able to regain some dignity and be more convincing in diplomacy.

I take off the useless piece of clothing mid-air and continue my escape.

'Alright, Cynder, I'm here,' Spyro suddenly speaks in my mind.

'Spyro! Can you see ok?'

'You betcha!'

'Man, I noticed it when we were flying in your body, but baby dragons are really slow.' I observe.

'I know, it's been driving me crazy the last few days!'

'let's hope we grow up nice and fast, I don't want to be small forever!'


'Hey, Cynder? Do you know that sound?'


'I wish I didn't.'



'Crap! We gotta run!'

I begin flying as fast as my little wings can take me. My heart is beating out of my chest, searching for somewhere to hide. I spot something, a floating rock. I hide behind it away from Malefor.

'I thought he was gonna be away for a long time!' Spyro said.

'me too!'


Malefor flies by us, and I breathe a sigh of relief.




I hear the beat of his wings off in the distance, becoming fainter and fainter, I wait until I can't hear him anymore to start moving in the same direction he went. as it is a surefire way to civilization, and Spyro.

'I'm coming love.'

I continue our journey out of... wherever I am...



After what felt like hours we discovered a town.

Not any normal town, a burning town.

I can hear screens of presumably innocent people in the distance, running around frantically trying to put out the fires. And in the center: Malefor. My father.

I have to put a stop to this!

I land at the edge of the island to catch my breath in preparation for the coming battle. The smell of burning flesh and wood fills my nostrils making me reflexively gag.

This isn't right... this isn't right! I have to stop this!

'Are you ready Cynder?' Spyro asked.

'Y-yeah... Let's do this!'

I walk towards Malefor, using Spyro's ice breath on the fires as I go. I round the corner to the center of town, where Malefor is guarding the teleporter I was shown through Spyro's eyes.

"Father! Stop this madness!"

"Cynder. My sweat, naive little Cynder. Let's go home. You must be starving, Barely Touched Mabu?" he says holding up a Mabu torso dripping with blood with his claws.

"DAD! Enough! I'm not someone who wants to eat other living things!"

*tsk tsk* "Cynder, that's no way to accept free food, come on eat up!" he throws the Mabu's corps towards my feet, hits the ground with a *squelch* and kicks up blood and soot from the fires, some get's on my face and I take a step back in disgust, and succumb to the urge to throw up, covering the body in my breakfast.

'That's revolting,' Spyro says in disgust.

I burn the corpse to save my eyes and stomach.

"CYNDER! That's a blatant disrespect of free food!"

"I told you I don't want it!"

"Is this what they call a rebellious phase? I didn't think it would come after only four days after being born!" He growls.

"It's not a phase Dad! This is just wrong!"

"I heard that was the most common response, it really is your rebellious phase..." he says putting his claw over his face comedically.

I take a deep breath, preparing for my next words.

'Spyro, we're going to use it.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes, use full power Aether breath, my father doesn't deserve to be in this world any longer.'

'What about everyone else?'

'We'll lure him away and then use it.'


He still doesn't sound sure, be I can tell he's willing to give it a shot.

I take another breath in and release a bolt of electricity at Malefor, then take off flying away from the town.

"CYNDER! YOU DARE TO ATTACK YOUR FATHER!?" he screeches and I hear him take off after me.

Adrenaline entered my veins and I flew faster than ever before, ignoring my natural limits I flew, I flew like my life depended on it. My heart feels like it's going to explode out of my chest. Soon I reach a nearby Island and land. I tumble to the ground and enter into a roll ending on my feet.


The island jerks downwards on the side as my father lands on the island.

I turn around and face my dad with a defiant look on my face, digging my short claws into the island. My dad towers over me, I'm not even the size of his smallest talon. I open my mouth in preparation to breathe Aether. Malefor lifted a talon and brought it down on me, but it was too late. A blinding purple light like I've never seen before escaped my mouth engulfing my field of vision. My hearing is filled with the sound of the blast breaking the sound barrier. And I close my mouth.

What I see before me is pure unadulterated destruction. Multiple islands behind Malefor were destroyed, along with a large part of the island we landed on. The clouds within a ten-mile radius have parted, and I see the island that the town was on move away from the blast at an alarming speed. I look around for Malefor. I don't see him, he must have been annihilated like the rest of the islands.

'Ok, Spyro...'


'We're never using that at full power again unless it's completely necessary...'


'D-do you know what caused it to become this powerful?'

'It might have something to do with our reincarnation.'

'You're probably right.'

After sitting there for a minute or so, I finally regained my composure and made my way back to the town, which has since stopped moving due to the island's large size and air resistance. Thank you physics! I silently went to the teleporter and used it to teleport to Skylanders Academy to meet Spyro.

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