EP2, Pt1: Reunion of Lovers

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I- I don't know what I just witnessed, our training... useless, our strategies, unused, it was a slaughter. Malefor didn't stand a chance...

Cynder... CYNDER! I get to see her again! I got out of bed and flew to the teleporter at top speed... and there she was, Cynder, In the flesh. She was covered in blood and soot, sitting on a panel bigger than her. I flew at her and tackled her to the ground and wrapped my wings around her. Not minding the blood and soot now all over me. I'm just happy to see her.

We sit there, not caring if we were seen. We were finally together! I won't let anyone or anything ruin this moment.

After a while, I brought her to Master Eon.

"Eon. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Cynder," I introduce Cynder to Eon.

"Hi! We met through Spyro," Cynder greets.

"So you're the famous Cynder I've heard so much about, it's nice to meet you. I have to ask though, why are you covered in blood and soot?"

"I-I rather not talk about it," Cynder says leaning into me to stop herself from shaking.

"Alright, I won't pry, I have other things to do, such as deal with a great evil that has escaped his prison, Malefor."

Me and Cynder look at each other, we don't even need to use telepathy to know what the other is thinking.

"Yeah... about that... I kinda... put him where he belongs," Cynder says vaguely. Insinuating to me that he belongs in the afterlife.

"Oh, that's good? So where did you put him?"

"Where he belongs," I say ending the discussion.

"Anyway... Let's get you two cleaned up. I'll lead you to the shower."

"No, I'll lead her. I don't want her out of my sight ever again!" I say resolutely.

"Alright, I give. Spyro, please lead your girlfriend to the bathroom."

"Yes sir!"

18 years pass in a flash. Over the years, Cynder and I were inseparable. We slept, ate, bathed, and trained together all the while keeping our telepathy and past lives a secret. Now on the cusp of becoming Skylanders.

"Good morning darling ~," Cynder says, giving my tail a little squeeze with her own as it begins to entangle with mine.

"You got that from a show, didn't you?"

"I'm not telling~."

"All right then, keep your secrets," I say moving closer to her in bed.

"We really shouldn't, this is our last day until the games, we should be studying for any pop quizzes," She moved her head close to my chest.

"Why? They wouldn't have time to grade them."

"You never know what's going to happen~."

"Fine...  I guess we should get out of bed early..." I say as I begin to carefully untangle my tail from hers.

We slowly separate from each other and get out of bed, before we re-entangle our tails. We walk downstairs where Eruptor is cooking pancakes in his own, unorthodox way.

"Good morning love birds, is Elfy up yet?"

"We don't know, we just got out of bed," Cynder responded.

"Looking for me?" Stealth Elf suddenly appears next to Eruptor in a puff of green smoke, startling him.

"Elfy! I thought I told you to stop doing that! It's bad for my health!" Eruptor protested.

"I thought you would be used to it by now. Cynder and Spyro seem to be used to it."

"I would be to if you would warn me when you're going to do it!" Eruptor says finishing the pancakes and placing them on the kitchen table.

"Oooh Pancakes!" I say.

'Pancake?' I ask Cynder telepathically.

'Yes please!' she responds.

I grab some pancakes for me and Cynder and we move the the dining table and dig in.

We hear Eruptor and Elfy engage in friendly banter, we soon leave for school through the teleporter.

We walk through the main campus and are spotted by the first-years Trigger Happy, Wind-Up, and Flashwing, the latter is one of our good friends, being that she is the only other dragon at the academy.

"Yo! Flashwing! How's it going?" I ask.

"Spyro! Cynder! I am doing quite well. I was just on my way to class."

"Cool, would you want to continue our conversation about problems only us dragons have after graduation?" Cynder asks.

"Yes please, I've come up with lots of new problems I've never noticed, especially in phones."

"We look forward to it," Cynder said.

"Of course you would, it is me after all."

We are interrupted by the bell and we wave each other off and go to our separate classes.

We make it there on time, and Jet-Vac, our teacher, begins instructing us on what we will be doing for graduation into Skylanders.

After the lecture, he passed out sheets of paper that recap what we will be doing, just in case we forget.

We then went to the obstacle course to practice before the games. We timed each other through the course, and of course, Elfy was the fastest, followed by Cynder, and then me. I chose not to tell Cynder that I wasn't trying to win as that would discourage her. Though by the looks of it, she's already figured it out and is giving me a disappointed look, but not saying anything out loud. Her face softened and she landed a kiss on my cheek.

'Next time, don't hold back. OK?'

'I don't know what you mean.'

'Whatever, let's just go home.'


I see her surpass a giggle as we make our way to the teleporter to take us home where we eat a big lunch and then, like always, go to bed together, making sure to set an alarm so that we wake up on time.

'Goodnight Cynder.'

'Goodnight Spyro.'

We cuddle up closer together on our sides so that our wings cover each other, and our snouts touch and settle our bodies into a constable position pushing against each other under the blankets.

"Good midnight Cynder."

"Good midnight Spyro."

We've entered what we like to call 'the dream realm' where the world is ours to control. Tonight it was a grassy field covered in small white-flowering bushes and cherry trees. We sit under one such tree larger than the rest. And we talk about the games tomorrow that will decide if we are to become Skylanders.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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