Drunk In Love

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It has been a while since Goku was transported to Ell's universe, he became friends with them as they let him stay in their house to find a way to get him back home. Little did we know, Tamara had been falling in love with Goku, but she wasn't sure if she ever confess her feelings for him. If she told him how she felt, he would reject her as she knew he would never love her back. She wasn't sure how to confess her feelings for him. She was so nervous to tell him.

"I wish Goku would love me," Tamara loudly said to herself.

"Hey, Tammy!"

"Gah!" Tamara flinched in shock. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice greeting her. She turned to face a man who was none other than Goku. Her face went red as she started to blush heavily.

"Goku! Wh-What are you doing here!?" Tamara asked, scared.

"I came to check up on ya. Is anything okay? I heard you complaining about something." Goku said, wanting to know what Tamara had been yelling about.

She looked away nervously. "It's nothing... You don't need to know about it."

"Why not? Tell me, please!" Goku said, pleading with an alcoholic girl.

She scoffed, looking away as she was now glaring a bit. "Hell, no! I ain't telling you anything."

"I'll give you another alcohol if you tell me," Goku said.

She groaned in defeat. "Alright! I'll tell you everything, but you will not like it if I tell you how I feel."

Goku gazed at her with a curious look. "What is it?"

She began to tremble a bit, feeling uneasy to confess Goku. She clenched her fists, gulping ready to tell him. "Goku, I-I... I really like you."

He blinked in confusion. "You like me?"

"M-More than friends." She continued talking to him, "You know... I had feelings for you and I-I have been waiting to tell you for a long time ago... I don't know i-if you ever liked me back or not..."

"So does it mean you're going to be my girlfriend?" Goku asked, letting out a kind smile.

She blinked, now getting nervous. "Wh-What!?" Tamara said, "W-Well, if you don't want to, I understand. We can always be friends."

Goku then lightly took Tamara's hands, making her blush. "Tamara, I like you, too. Being with you is way better than being a friend with you."

"Do you mean?" Tamara asked shyly, facing the young Saiyan.

He nodded. "Yep. Wanna be my girlfriend?"

Tamara let out a smile in relief as her face continued to flutter. It was then she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. The two felt relaxed as the two were kissing. After a kiss, Tamara faced Goku again.

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend," Tamara said.

"So do you wanna go somewhere? You know, going out to eat?" Goku asked.

She smirked smoothly, "Why not go to the beer and get something to drink?"

"Let's do that," Goku said.


So Goku and Tamara went to the bar, having a small cup of whiskey together. With every sip they took, Tamara became extremely drunk. At first, Goku didn't drink anything. He was too innocent and he had no idea how he was feeling drunk. He wasn't ready for commitment. When they were done drinking, they went back home.

"Goku, why don't make yourself comfortable while I go to get something?" Tamara suggested.

"Um, okay," Goku replied. Even though Tamara basically drank a lot, today she was all drunk. More drunk than she needed to be. And that wasn't something Goku looked forward to dealing with. Tamara didn't do anything bad when she was drunk as she was a good drunk. She just got really loud and blabbed a bunch of secrets involving herself and the others. It was always good blackmail material later.

So it was Goku's turn to look after her today as he remembered that Ell, Matilda, and Tori were out for the day and left him with the drunken girl. Of course, he took her out on a date. It was something he didn't like. Well, at least Tequila was with him.

After going on a date with Tamara, he was watching some TV when he heard Tamara come into the living room, stumbling around.

"Hey Tammy," Goku said, petting Tequila.

Tamara groaned in response and walked toward the kitchen for something. Probably some more booze. She didn't need anymore though.

Goku pet Tequila adoringly, "Hey, Tequila. Think Tammy is gonna be passed out on the kitchen floor?" He asked the brown cat.

Tequila meowed, placing her paw on his nose.

Goku giggled, bopping Tequila's nose too. He then heard Tamara open the fridge then shut it.

"Goku, how do you tell someone you love them?" Tamara's voice came through the kitchen.

Goku raised an eyebrow in confusion at the question. "Uh, not really, though. I mean, I never told someone I love them before I met you, Tammy. I'm guessing you're the first person I'm in love with."

Tanara didn't respond.

Tequila mewled as Goku giggled before yelping when a pair of arms encircled his neck, hugging his shoulders as a face brushed up against his. "T-Tammy?" he asked, craning his neck to the side to look at the flushed black-eyed girl. "What're you doing?" Goku asked her.

Tamara only smiled, nuzzling her face closer to his. "Hey, Goku~" She purred.

Goku felt himself blush a little before he tried to pull away from her. "What is it, Tamara?"

Tamara kept her grasp firm on him. She grabbed his face and pulled him in for a drunken kiss. She slipped her tongue in when Goku was too shocked to do anything. She pulled back, saliva connecting from his mouth to hers and she smirked. "I love you, Goku." And then she passed out over the side of the couch and fell onto his lap, snoring.

His face was red as a tomato as he sat there, screaming on the inside. Goku closed his eyes, sighing while saying, "I love you too, Tammy."

The End

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