The crown prince is missing?? // Hualian fanfic

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This was first published on AO3, idk i wanted to try out wattpad again. This is a Hualian fanfic which is in an alternate universe, but not all too different. 



''The crown prince is missing?''

The news spread like wildfire through the kingdom of Xianle. The kind, beloved prince who sometimes strolled through the streets and helped the people wasn't comfortably sitting in the palace? This was the only thing commoners and nobles were talking about since it was brought out.

''I heard they sent a lot of soldiers to go looking for him, I hope the crown prince will be found soon..... ''

''Someone claimed they might have seen him and the king sent General Hua to go look for him, I'm sure he will be found soon!''

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

''ahhh.... Im so tired....'' A gentle yet exhausted voice said and slumped against a tree. None other than The crown prince of Xianle.

He finally got away from the people who recognized him. He couldn't let himself be seen for safety reasons. Where am i? He asked himself after he recovered from the chase. He ran so fast he didn't even look at his directions, he ran straight into the woods. He really didn't mean to get lost like this..

Xie lian liked martial art, and also freedom. As the prince he didn't really have either of them. Of course he got taught martial art and got to spar with people, but he hasn't been able to use it outside of that. He wasn't allowed to fight in battles with enemies for example. Anywhere he wanted to go had to be requested and approved by his father and couldn't go without his personal bodyguard Feng xin.

So the only resort was sneaking out. He would disguise himself and wander through the streets like a normal person. When he found an enemy he could finally use his skills for real. Just walking around with no expectations of him felt pretty nice. He would often do it and as usual he did it again, but this time it went differently.

It was night. Telling mu qing and feng xin he was tired and already wanted to go to bed, they also went to relax. only the guards outside on their night shift. He changed into a plain white robe. Xie lian jumped out of the window, and got away from the palace grounds smoothly.

He never knew what to expect when he got out there, so he was obviously excited. He strolled through the dark woods and finally got to a small city. The streets were busy filled with people, food stalls and such. He walked around for a while happily eating and enjoying the night. As the night went on the streets emptied out, so Xie lian thought it was time to go. As he was walking, he heard screaming on his left. Alarmed, he rushed over to the source of the screams and saw soldiers from yong'an, attacking his innocent people.

Ofcourse he couldn't just let that be? He drew out his sword and lunged at the soldiers. Looking like flower dancing amongst dirt. As he took out the soldiers, the people already ran away. Satisfied, he wanted to leave again to the palace, until he saw more and more soldiers coming. It wasn't that he was weak, far from it. But if you're against a whole group of people lunging at you, things become quite difficult. Throughout the battle they went from the one place to the other, so when everyone was cleared out... Xie lian had no idea where he stood. He had a few minor cuts but wasn't worth looking at for the moment. At midnight in the woods, everything is almost pitch black except for the soft light the moon offered. He couldn't see nor tell where he was at the moment. The only thing he could do was follow the moon and see where he would end.

The crown prince is missing?? // Hualian fanficWhere stories live. Discover now