Cramps- AT

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Y/ns pov:

Day 2. Also known as the worst day of the month, its like everything bad about your period on steroids.

Ashtray wanted me to come round because we had not seen each other in a week due to business, I didn't want to leave my bed but I also thought maybe a cuddle wouldn't be the worst thing in the world right now. I threw on whatever was on my floor that wasn't dirty enough to go in the wash but not clean enough to be hung back up in the wardrobe, brushed my hair and teeth. Finally grabbing my phone from my bedside table where it had been charging before reluctantly leaving my house.

I reached ashtrays house and rung the door bell, after getting no answer I rattled the metal door that was in front of the main door, hoping that would grab his attention. It didn't. I swear this boy was getting on my nerves and I was still yet to see him.

Giving up with the front door I made my way round to the back of the house where there was a door that led into his room (if this is wrong I am sorry I forgot the layout of the apartment lmao)knocking angrily on it. Still no answer. To my surprise the door seemed to be open, so I just let myself in, only to see ashtray sat in his chair on a game with his friends shouting at the screen. 

Rolling my eyes, I slip my shoes off and make my way over to ash tapping him on the shoulder. "oh, hey ma when did you get here?" he says with a smile on his face, which I did not return. "like 10 minutes ago but you wouldn't answer the door" I say not trying to hide my attitude whatsoever. "oh I am sorry" he says genuinely, furrowing his eyebrows "let me finish this game then we can cuddle, ok?" he says causing my mood to be lifted, I reply with a nod and a smile heading over to his bed curling up into a ball.


It had been 2 hours since I got here and ashtray still had not got off his game. In that time my cramps had also quadrupled in pain, causing me now to be on the brink of tears. I hated being ignored and if I was not in this much pain I would have definitely gotten up and left, but I think if I even tried to move I would pass out or something.

Suddenly, I was hit with another wave of gut wrenching cramps. Any strength I had left in me was suddenly destroyed causing me to roll onto my back, groaning in pain and tears streaming out my eyes as I rolled around trying to find a comfortable position.


Ashtrays pov:

I hear what sounded like a pained groan from behind me and am suddenly filled with guilt. I promised Y/n I would come off after one more game and instead had six more, without even turning off the monitor I hurry out my chair to assist my poor girlfriend. I kneel down next to the bed on the side she was facing and use my thumb to swipe away any tears that escaped her beautiful eyes. "hey love, just breath. I am sorry I am here now is there anything I can get you?" I say trying to help her in any way possible not wanting to see her in pain any longer.

Instead of answering she just grabs my hand, motioning for my to come onto the bed. Understanding what she was trying to say, I climb up onto the bed laying down before pulling her onto my chest where I could hold onto her tight. 

I cant believe how gorgeous this girl is, even while in pain she is still breath taking. Smiling down at her, I place a gentle kiss on her head not wanting to wake her. "I love you" I whisper before drifting off into a deep sleep, content with the fact she was safe in my arms.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one. I just wanted to say that in my ashtray stories he will be aged up to 17 (therefore he never died!!!)

Please vote and leave requests (only if you liked it obvi), it gives me motivation lol

love jess xx

Javon Walton/ Ashtray imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now