*Extended Cast*

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Margot Robbie
Aspen Melody Harding-Forbes
"The Down to Earth, Gentle & Kind Ghost in Yellow"

Margot Robbie as Aspen Melody Harding-Forbes"The Down to Earth, Gentle & Kind Ghost in Yellow"

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"It's been a long time little song, hasn't it?

I never truly left Danny. I wanted to do you didn't have to see me everyday while you were grieving me. I wasn't able to find my own peace. Anya says it's because we can't let go of each other. Besides Doc our daughter needs us. Both of her parents.

I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanted to speak with you alone.

All I could do is just watch helplessly from afar Anya. I couldn't even save my own daughter from that horrible woman."

Ewan McGregor
Daniel Shadow Harding-Forbes
"The Stoic, Over-protective & yet Closed Off Father"

Ewan McGregor as Daniel Shadow Harding-Forbes"The Stoic, Over-protective & yet Closed Off Father"

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"We aren't seers or even close to being psychics. Hell! We aren't warlocks or witches. We're something else. Something that's been dying out for a long long time. The name people have had for us has changed over the centuries. It even differs from various cultures too.

I thought you had left to try to find peace.

Why didn't you tell me she was here Liz?! I had every right to know my daughter was alive! I could've been there to help her with her gift Liz.

I know I'm the last person to tell you how to use your gift Little Ghost. I also know I'm not the greatest father but I do want to be there for you when you need me."

Angela Basset
Anya Bennett
"The Calm & Kind Bennett Ancestor Spirit Guide"

Angela Basset as Anya Bennett"The Calm & Kind Bennett Ancestor Spirit Guide"

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"Little bird, you don't need to always be afraid of the ghosts you see. Some are just lost others are stuck.

Little bird, next then you see Erik and Klaus smack those boys for me. Tell Nik to stop being an idiotic fool and Erik that he needs to put himself first.

We Bennett's never gave you permission to do this monstrous plan if yours Esther. You made this decision on your own and hurt my descendants along with Melody. You are now no longer an ally to us nor are are considered a witch any longer."

I might add more additional characters soon but for now I decided to add these ones.

The first two are my own characters. They will play a bigger part later on in the story.

I will say this all of my Vampire Diaries stories and Twilight stories do differ from the books, movies and tv show. There will be some stuff major or even minor that I changed or even just removed from my stories.

It's mostly for story purposes and it's nice to change stuff up once in a while too.

If anyone's confused at all by any or all of these changes please don't hesitate to ask me. I don't bite. 😊🩷

Also Erik is Melody's pairing. He's a character of my own creation too. I've seen a few people ask who he is. He's a tribrid. It'll be explained more in the ghost world chapter. Hope that helps! 🩷

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