Chapter 3: Deriontae

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"Hey pops just calling to see if you was going to Mikayla party cause I'm bout to leave out and I can get you on the way." My pops and my daughter have a real tight so I fight to keep that bond strong no matter what me and Erica go through. "Yeah I'm going but I'm waiting on something to get here for her so I will go a little later but I will see you there." Damn I was hoping he said yes cause he could be the mediator if it comes to that but it's cool I got this I'm a grown ass man.

Pulling up to Erica house, it's completely decorated in pink princesses and glitter. I walk around back so I can find my daughter. as soon as I turn the corner I see my babygirl in a giant pink princess gown with enough ruffles for 6 separate dresses. "Hey babygirl you having fun?" I ask Makayla as she jumps into my arms. she is truly a daddy's girl and she let's it be known and it's even better because she looks exactly like her it piss her mom off something vicious and I love it. "I'm having so much fun daddy, Mommy and Kyle even got me a unicorn for my birthday...but they said I can't keep it cause it gotta go back to the unicorn farm." The sad look on her face makes me wanna buy her a damn unicorn but daddy ain't got that type of money. "Oh it's okay baby daddy will get you one one day just not today." I said laughing. As I look up I see Erica and Kyle standing on the porch arguing and I'm pretty sure it's about me being here because they both trying not to look at me while they arguing. I walk over to the porch saying hello to the people I did know. Once I got closer to them I could hear him asking why I'm here and her telling him because we have a daughter together and I have every right to be  here to celebrate our child. "What's up family?" I walked to Erica and gave her a little side hug, I extended my hand to Kyle and it took him a second but he gave me a hand shake. "So how's the business doing Kyle?" I'm not trying to get into it with this man and I know I can be cordial even if he can't. Kill them with kindness right. "It's been good got a couple new big clients hoping everything pans out the way we need it to." He just looks so uncomfortable talking to me about anything and even though I'm being cordial it's still funny as hell to see  the intimidation on his face. "Good to hear. Erica can we talk about her recital next week?" I had to think of something to get away from this situation. "yeah, what's up." we walked down to the yard closer to the kids. "so is she riding with you to the recital or will I be picking her up?" 

"I told you last week that you gotta pick her up because my car will be in the shop and Kyle will be working so I can't do it." Can't never get a simple answer from her but I know she probably wants a ride there too even though I'm sure Kyle won't know I'm taking her. "So are you gonna need a ride there or you gonna figure it out?" 

"I will need a ride there if it ain't to much to ask of you." The stupid shit she be saying just be pissing me off cause why the fuck would you say it like that like I don't do damn near everything she ask me. "Aight man that's cool just be ready cause if she ready and you not I will leave yo slow ass to get there yourself." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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