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Enid's POV

It's new years tonight.
We're gonna have a little party with me Wednesday, yoko and Bianca.
It's pleasing, Wednesday has been getting along with Bianca and yoko very well lately.
She's good friends with them now.
It's making me happy.
She cares for them a lot, even if she doesn't show it.
We're gonna have them over at our dorm because it's bigger.
I am currently decorating while Wednesday is sleeping.
I don't know what's her problem, she never sleeps this much.
Hopefully she isn't getting sick.

Wednesday's POV

So the thing is, I had a vision.
I'm lying in my bed facing the wall, Enid thinks ive been sleeping but the truth is i've been awake for hours just thiking.

*The vision*

I'm in this weird looking building.
I think it's a hospital.
An abandoned one.
I'm walking into a room to see Bianca on the floor dead.
Yoko crying over her.
Enids behind me.
She collapsed into my arms and I feel my heart sink, my heart break.
I start breaking down when I see him.
Fucking Tyler.

*End of vision*

I start to get out of bed.
Enid looks at me.
"Hey, are you okay wends?"
I nod.
I feel tears in my eyes.
She comes over to me and sits down with me.
"What's wrong?"
She looks concerned.
"I had a vision..."
I start to explain everything to her.
"Oh Wends.."
She hugged me.
Later that day at 9 pm is when we expected Yoko and Bianca.
The thing is only Bianca showed up.
She busted through the door yelling.
I run up to her and seat her on my bed.
"Woah woah, calm down. Tell me what happened."
Enid sits down on the other side of her, leaving Bianca in the middle.
"I- I- I walked into our dorm a- and everything was trashed. Someone broke down our door.
Someone took yoko."
She started crying.
"Lisen Bianca, we will find her."
I assure her.
"Yeah don't worry."
Enid added.
"Hey Wednesday had a visio-"
I smacked her arm.
Bianca was too busy crying to notice.
I shook my head.
I think I know where she is.
If what happened in my vision is true then they must be in the nearest hospital.
Tyler also might be behind this.
"I know where she is."
I say before hearing a knock on the door.

Alyssa's POV

It's been a long day.
I get bullied all the time at school for what happened with Tyler.
I'm glad he's gone.
I get into my dorm.
My roommate doesn't ever talk to me seeing as she was friends with Divina.
I find my water bottle and began to drink before i noticed somethings off.
There was a tint of green, you can barley see it.
Someone put something in it.
Just then a rock is thrown into the window and smashes it.
I pick it up and it has a note.
It reads:
Meet me at the abandoned hospital I have yoko.
One of the fuckers friends.
Help me get revenge.
It's not signed.
Oh my God.
It's all coming together now.
The water.
He tried to control me again.
That little shit.
He's using me again.
Wednesday and Enid.
I got to tell them.
I run to their dorm.
I knock and Enid answers.
"Uh hey."
She says.
I explain everything that happened just now.
I showed them the note.
"Okay we know where were going then. Come on guys."
I stop her.
"Wait I'm coming. I wan to get revenge on this piece of shit.
"As you wish."
she nodded

Yoko's POV

I woke up on a table.
To be more specific an operation table.
My legs and arms are tied.
The rooms quiet.
I'm trying to remember how I got here.
I hear footsteps.
And.. growling...?
Oh no.
The Hyde.
All I can think about is Bianca.
My precious girl.
He's walking closer and right before he knocks me out I managed to get out something.
"I love you Bianca. Find me."

anyways enjoy this tiny chapter.
I got lots planed for the next ones.
They will be long don't worry.
Unlike this small ass one.
I won't leave you on a cliffhanger for very long. 🫶

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