Chapter 1

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*This book will be the sequel to my first one, "It's Complicated." Would highly recommend reading that one first so this one makes sense. :)*


"Hi," I said quietly.

I had just opened my front door and found Jamie standing there with a bottle of wine in hand.

"Hi," she said back with a smile. "Mind if I come in?"

"Only if the wine comes with you," I said as I stepped aside to let her in the door.

"Absolutely, I thought you could use it...and maybe some company," Jamie said as she stepped inside and set the bottle of wine on the counter.

"Yeah I um, yeah I guess I could use both," I was suddenly all too aware of how terrible I looked.

Jamie poured us both a glass of wine and handed me mine. We stood there and both sipped from our glasses, neither knowing what to say.

"So," I said breaking the silence, "Alex is gone gone."

"I know," Jamie said as she took another sip.

"You do? How do you -" just then the realization hit me, "Sophie?"

Jamie grinned and nodded.

I shook my head and took another sip of wine, "going to have to have some words with her later."

"In her defense," Jamie said, "I did ask her about it."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said sarcastically, "so you and Olivia?"

Jamie quickly shook her head, "no that's very done, and was very stupid."

"You said it, not me," I said with a shrug.

Jamie smirked at me, but then got a serious look on her face. "Cas do you think we could just, sort of...start over maybe? Take things slow?"

I nodded as a smile spread across my face, "I think that sounds like a good idea."

"Good," she said, smiling back. "I also um, I wanted to apologize again. Just for - just for everything honestly."

"Jamie you don't have to -" I started.

"Yes I do," she interjected. "For what I said, for not apologizing a long time ago...for ruining your engagement."

I shook my head at her, "you didn't ruin my engagement Jamie."

She shrugged, "it feels like I did."

"Alex is an amazing guy but - it just wasn't fair to him. Not with me...with me still having feelings for someone else," I said as I slowly met her gaze.

Jamie took another sip of her wine and kept her eyes on me. "Still having feelings for someone, huh?" She asked.

"Unfortunately...yes," I said with a smirk.

"Unfortunately, surrrre," Jamie said. "But I um, I have a confession to make. No more secrets."

"A confession? Please no more confessions Jamie, I don't think I can handle that," I said, only somewhat joking.

She laughed and shook her head, "it's not that bad, I just want you to know."

"Alright," I said, "hit me with it."

"Well," she started, "I kind of knew you were coming back."

"What?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"Sophie and I we - well we kept in touch a little bit while you were gone," Jamie said.

"And she gave you a heads up that I was coming back? Did she tell you about Alex?" I quickly asked.

"No, no, it wasn't like that," Jamie said, "I just checked in every once in a while. I wanted to make sure - just that you know - that you were doing okay after everything that happened."

Jamie stood there looking in her glass as she paused for a minute before continuing on. "Sophie never told me much, nothing personal or anything. Just how you were doing. I had no idea about Alex or when you were actually coming back or any of that."

She sighed, and looked up at me, still trying to see how I would react. "I was just checking in, that's all."

"So let me get this straight," I said as I took a step closer to her. "You were using my best friend to spy on me?" Jamie sensed my sarcasm and smirked at me.

"Something like that," she said.

It almost made me feel guilty that I had barely thought about her the whole time I was gone; but the fact that she cared enough to check in on me gave me a whole other feeling entirely.

"You know," I said to her as I set my glass down on the counter, "I'm not sure how on board I am with this whole 'taking it slow' thing."

"Oh really?" Jamie asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Mhmm," I nodded and I took her glass from her hand and set it down next to mine. "I think three years is probably slow enough."


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