Chapter 16

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I stood in the kitchen with my arms wrapped around Riley in a tight hug. She hadn't said anything since we'd come inside from dealing with Cooper.

I know I'd only known her for a few weeks, but I could tell that she was way too sweet to be dealing with any of this shit, and I had started to feel protective of her.

I finally stepped back from Riley, but I kept my hands on her shoulders and looked at her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I think so, thanks for helping," she said, keeping her eyes to the floor.

"Of course," I said as I dropped my hands to my side, "any opportunity to talk shit to Cooper I'll take it."

She looked up at me and I finally got a small smile out of her.

"Hey I'm going to change and then put a movie on in my room, you can come join if you want." I said.

Riley nodded and I walked towards my bedroom to change my clothes. I got into my pajamas and then hopped on my bed and turned the TV on.

I started browsing through Netflix and looking for something to watch. I wasn't sure if Riley would take me up on the invite, but after the night she'd had I was hoping she would. And I was maybe hoping that she would for other reasons too, but that was beside the point.

I was still looking for a movie when there was a quiet knock on my door.

"Yeah, come in," I said.

Riley walked in hesitantly and I patted the spot next to me on the bed. She came and sat down and I nodded towards the TV.

"Still trying to decide what to watch," I said.

"Please choose a comedy or something," she said as she looked over at me with a slight grin.

"I agree," I said as I nodded.

We found a comedy to watch that didn't seem like it would be half bad.

"I don't want to bring up a bad subject," I said as we started the movie, "but do you think Cooper will get the picture now and leave you alone?"

Riley sighed and looked over at me, "I'm not sure honestly. He's pretty hard headed."

"It does seem that way," I said with a grin.

"I'm not sure why I let things with him last that long," Riley said, shaking her head.

"It happens," I said with a shrug, "I'm sure you're not the only one who's thought that about a relationship before."

Riley nodded but didn't say much.

We talked for a while through the beginning of the movie, but I noticed she got quiet pretty quickly.

I looked over and realized she was fast asleep. I grinned at how peaceful she looked, and I carefully grabbed the blanket off of the end of my bed and tossed it over her.

I of course had the urge to cuddle up next to her, but I had to resist.

Nope Soph, not the time, I thought.

After the movie was done, I looked over and Riley was still passed out next to me. I didn't want to wake her up or make her move, so I carefully made my way under the covers.

I looked over at her, again thinking about how adorable she was, and then turned over and fell asleep.

The next morning when my alarm went off for work, I reached over to hit snooze and felt the bed move next to me. I squinted my eyes and realized that Riley was still there.

She sat up sleepily and looked around, not seeming to remember that she had fallen asleep here.

"Sorry my alarm woke you up," I said as I yawned.

"No I'm - I'm sorry I fell asleep and stayed in here," Riley said.

I laughed as I rolled over to look at my phone, "Riley you're fine, I think you were a little tired after last night."

"And besides," I continued as I rolled back over to face her, "you're cute when you sleep."

Oh shit, that just slipped out.

Riley's cheeks got red but I could see a small smile come across her face.

"Well thanks for letting me crash in here, I'll let you get ready for work," she said.

"No worries," I said, as I watched her get up and walk out of the room.

Damn, I could get used to that, I thought.

I got up and started to get ready for work and thought about what I should wear for the day. I worked at a Marketing firm, and they had just hired a new president and today was the day he was starting. Had to make a good first impression on the boss.

I got ready, made my coffee, and was on my way out the door.

"Hey Riley," I yelled back towards her room.

"Yeah?" She said back.

"Let me know if you need anything today, okay?"

"Thanks Sophie, I will," she responded.

I was really hoping that Cooper stayed away, especially while I wasn't there.

I got to work and made sure that I was put together enough to make a good first impression on my new boss. I walked in the door and saw him out in the main lobby greeting people.

He turned around to face me and we both stood there frozen for a minute.

"Alex??" I said.

It was obviously him but the shock hadn't worn off enough yet to form any other words.

"Hey Soph," he said with a smile.

"You're the new president of the firm?" I asked.

He grinned at me and said, "yup, it would appear that way."

I had to admit, even though it felt like I kept getting involved with the ghosts of Cas' past, I was pretty happy to see him. We were good friends before and I hadn't talked to him since their split.

"Well damn," I finally said, "it's good to see you."


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