Pt 33. Bloody Battle

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Warning: Bloodbath and severing of the head contained

"I think I smell vomit somewhere out here!" Kado was shouting from the entrance. Envoy gulped. "I think I just gave our position away." she said. "Not your fault, agent," Nolan said, "you were just nervous. Hope you're ready, though."

Envoy breathed deep, with the look of determination in her eyes. She loaded her Wood Stake Shotgun. "I'm not gonna let my team down," she said, "time to send this vampire back to his coffin!"

"That's the spirit!" Nolan exclaims. "That's my girl!" Drift happily says. "Let's do this!!" everyone else cheered.

Everybody approached out of the office. Kado aims what actually appears to be Midas' Drum Gun at everyone. "I thought you guys were my guests," he retorts, "turns out you all are a bunch of backstabbing agents! I knew you all were the ones to disable my cameras, turrets and alarm system and heisted my vault! Now you all are gonna pay the price! With your blood!"

"We'll see about that!" Nolan shouts. "Let's get to work!!" Envoy orders. So everyone sprung into action and started to fire away at the revenant vampire with their Wood Stake Shotguns.

Kado was trying to fight back by draining the energy from whoever got closer to him. He was even shooting away with Midas' Drum Gun, though unintentionally missing every time.

He was growling in pain from the wooden stakes driving into him; the wounds in his body beginning to bleed. He stopped shooting so suddenly. His entire body was beginning to weaken. He fell to his knees; his own blood pooling all around him.

Seeing all that blood made Envoy nauseous again, but she is trying so hard to fight it. Though she kinda thought that it wasn't nausea. She did get a cramp, but wasn't sure what it was.

Though when she fired a stake at Kado, it went through.....his neck. He froze. Then Nolan fired one, too, also going through Kado's neck.

Just then, Kado's head fell off his shoulders, toppling to the ground. Everyone stopped shooting, frozen in shock. They had just watched as the vampire's body fell through the gap in the bridge and into the water below; his head remaining on the bridge.

"Holy shit!" Envoy gasped. "His head!" Meowscles exclaimed. "Honey, don't look." Lynx said, covering Kit's eyes. "I certainly wasn't expecting this to happen." Fish said.

"Well, guys," Nolan said, "sure that way for him to go wasn't expected, but we won. He is dead and buried." "Man, that was some crazy shit." Khaby said. "What's going to happen with his body?" Meow Skulls asked.

"Think maybe the Floppers and Small Fries will eat it piece by piece." Fish said. "Eww," Peely groaned, "a bloody meal for them."

"Well, it don't matter how his body will go," Drift said, "all that matters is that he's gone forever." "You said it, Drift." Envoy said, giving Drift a kiss on the cheek. Drift blushed.

Nolan went to go collect Midas' Drum Gun from Kado's remains, then he and everyone else ventured back to Mega City.

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