Part 1

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 Spider-man checked his Instagram while he nommed on a bagel and cream cheese, his mask lifted above his mouth for the task. It was nine PM in the summertime, and Spider-man was grateful that his favorite coffee and bagel truck had still been there on the corner of 79th street. 

The sun set with a beautiful pink and red horizon. The masked hero sat on the edge of a fire escape railing with his legs dangling lazily.

He put his phone down for a moment to reach for his ice coffee. He took a long sip.

His phone rang. The caller ID read: Yuri Watanabe.

Spider-man momentarily struggled to decide which item to put down to answer it, his bagel or his coffee. He hurriedly webbed his coffee to the railing and picked up his phone. "Yuri. What's up?"

He took a big bite while Yuri talked.

"Spider-man, I've got a silent alarm at a jewelry store on 49th street. I sent some officers, but they've been delayed. Can you check it out?"

Spider-man answered while struggling to swallow his bite. "Sure Yu-mmh-Yuri. Anything for my favorite captain."

"Are you eating? Never mind. I'm sending you the location. Let me know what happens."

She hung up.

Spider-man sighed. He threw the remaining third of his bagel to a group of pigeons and left his coffee behind. "Just for once it'd be nice to finish a whole bagel. A whole pizza would be great too for that matter."

His stomach still grumbled with the hunger of his super-fast metabolism and ridiculously strenuous lifestyle. He web swung through the city until he reached 49th.

He zip lined over to the ledge of a building across the street from the jewelry store. Inside the glass doors, Spider-man could see five thugs, wearing all black with ski masks, among the jewelry displays. Two were keeping a look-out with guns pointed towards the streets, while the other three were trying to open a glass case without triggering any alarms. Well, any alarms that they actually knew about anyway.

Spider-man adjusted his earpiece and focused in on what the thugs were saying.

One complained in a deep voice, "Yo let's just break it and run. I mean what we got to do after we grab it anyway?"

"'Cause dumbass, Larry said he needs to get us at least fifteen blocks away before we're in the clear. You think he'll have time for that if we trip the alarm?"

Spider-man had heard enough. "What is this? Amateur hour?"

He snuck into the building through the ceiling vents and quickly webbed the two look-outs to the ceiling. The other three hadn't even noticed yet.

The masked hero hung upside down from the ceiling behind them and quipped, "Guys, that glass case probably isn't a three-person job. At least not for real criminals."

They startled. "It's Spider-man! Whoop his ass!"

"That's rude." Spider-man easily webbed two of them up together. The last one aimed a gun at him. Spider-man ripped the gun from him with his webs. "Zoink! I'll be taking that."

The thug was then promptly kicked in the face and webbed to the wall.

"Well that was too easy."

A car drove up to the front of the store, saw Spider-man, and slammed on the gas.

Spider-man webbed the car and zipped on top of it. He peeked into the driver's side window of the speeding car. "Hi! Larry I presume?"

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