CH 2 This Sucks and not in a good way

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Jesse's POV--

I wake up and my body is tingling from the night befores activities. I love the aches and soreness that come from a night of amazing sex. I open my eyes and look next to me and I'm disappointed not to see Titan. I get up and gingerly make my way into the bathroom and he isn't there either. I take a quick piss and go back out to the room and to get dressed.

Well this sucks and not in a good way. I feel for my wallet and phone in my jeans pocket to make sure they are both there so and make my way out of the room. I close the door softly and walk to the elevator trying not to feel shame for being left without so much as a note. As the elevator doors open I walk out the front door with my head held high no one but me knows what happened last night and I have nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe if I say it in my head enough I will actually believe it.

I walk the block back to were I parked in the club parking lot. When I walk up to my truck I don't see Titan's where it was parked last night he must of headed home already. I get in my truck and notice something on the windshield so I jump back out and go grab it. Of course I would get a thirty dollar parking ticket. I throw it on my passenger seat and start my drive home in an even worse mood.

It takes a good hour and half after I go through McDonalds for some breakfast to get home. When I pull up to my beautiful little starter home I'm renting from my boss I feel like I can breath again. I walk into my home and lay down on the couch after my long drive. I love the country I don't know how I surrived eighteen years of living trapped in the city. If it wasn't for my parents I would never go back to the city but being a Parks comes with responsities I can't just shirk, no matter how much I want to.

My family made it big in Tea back in the 1800's believe it or not, not all Texans deal in oil. My grandma is still alive and even though she knows I want nothing to do with the family business she still made me a board member at the family company so I have to go to town when ever someone calls for a vote or whenever my mother calls me for a brunch both of which are killing my soul slowly.

I went to school and got my DMV to be a large animal Veterinary and just recently passed my North American Veterinary License Exam and am now working as an assistant to my boss. I'm on call pretty much 24/7 because the live stock can get hurt or sick at anytime and when they do I have to travel to the farm with my boss and we treat the animals if we can there. Most of our equipment fits in the truck so it's a pretty interesting job.

Now that I'm out of school I have to decide if I want to step down as member of the board for Parks Tea Company or stay on as a figure head so to speak. The job helped while I was in school because it came with a fat pay check every month with very minimal work from me. But now that I am getting paid doing what I love as Vet, driving to Dallas a couple times a month is starting to be an inconvenience that is taking to much of my free time up.

I have been thinking of stepping down for a while now but it's such a hard choice. I have been working for my boss Dr. Ellison for about six months and the pay is extremely good. Plus he rents his guest house to me for next to nothing every month so it's not like I need the income from my seat on the board anymore. I just don't know how to tell my Grandma or anyone else in my family I want to step down.

I'm already the black sheep in the family for becoming a Vet. Everyone else in my family either went to law school or became some sort of business major so they could take their rightful place in the company. I knew from the time I was a kid that corporate life would never do it for me and did everything I could to follow my own path despite the lack of faith my family has had in me I have done pretty well for myself.

The only thing lacking in my life right now is love. Another reason I want to step down, as long as I hold my seat on the board I can't be openly gay. I'm still in the closet because I know if I ever came out it would be a scandal the company couldn't afford. Even though I live more than an hour away and still endulge myself I have never had a serious boyfriend or a long term lover because I'm afraid they would out me. But maybe one day soon that can all change if I'm brave enough to do something about it.

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