CH 8 The phone call

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Jesse's POV--

Waking up alone this morning sucked ass after waking up in Titans arms all weekend. I even stayed the night on Sunday and went back to my place when Titan got up to start his day. I never thought I would be so happy after what happened with my family on Friday. I know it's about time I call my parents and see how they digested my news over the weekend but I don't want to ruin my Titan afterglow. Damn life and responsibilities.

I pick up my cell phone and read some of the texts from my sisters again for courage they all seem to be taking the news well and I'm happy I at least didn't lose them. I could take losing my aunts and uncles even my cousins but I hope my immediate family can except me. I finally decide calling my mom would be the easiest. I feel sick to my stomach as the line rings and rings, finally when I'm about hang up I hear my mom answer. "Hello?" I sigh thinking of what to say. "Hi Mom how was your weekend?"

I hear my mom mumble something like maybe she is excusing herself and wait for her answer. "Everything is fine here dear." I can't believe my mom is going to act like nothing happened but that's her Queen of Denial. "Are you sure? How is everyone taking the news how is dad with everything?" I hear her quick intake of breath. "Well honey you know these things take time, your sisters are all fine they think it's cool they have a...a gay brother but your dad and brother well they will need some time, but don't worry with Grandma on your side it won't take long for people in the family to except this...this change."

That sounds good better than I thought it would go I thought everyone would rally against me immediately but I notice my mom left herself out of her answer. "But Mom what about you what do you think about it? You understand I'm the same person you raised Right?" My mom takes a while to answer and my heart drops. "Are you sure it's not a phase maybe you just haven't met the right girl? I know a few ladies from the club that would be more than willing to go on a date with you."

I suck in breath out of necessity because I was not excepting that and I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. "No Mom that's ok I'm sure it's not just a phase." My mom sighs. "Well I guess I just need time too sweetie it's all so new and time to think and figure things out." I know this is a big change for everyone and if they need time I'm willing to wait as long as I don't lose them. "Ok Mom just call me when your ready." My mom inhales deeply and I smile. "Ok honey well I'm at lunch with the girls so I will call you soon."

I feel slightly better after my phone call home, it wasn't great but it wasn't terrible I will settle for it for now I know I can't rush everyone into excepting me. I hope my parents and my brother come around soon though it's nearing October and I always go home for my birthday and all the winter holidays. I know my grandma will want me there no matter what and it's her house but I want to be comfortable too and I don't want to ruin anyone's holiday either may be I should have waited a little longer until after the holidays. Oh well to late now.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I look down and see Titan texted me. I can't help the giddy smile that pulls on my lips as I read his message.

T- Hey Doc Mchottstuff what r u doin for lunch?

I laugh as I type out my response.

J- Nothing yet Y????? 😊

T- I'm in town on an errand and was wondering if u would met me @ The Corner Cafe in 20 mins? 😘

J- of course see u in twenty 😍

I hurry up and but my boots on and run out the door. It takes me fifteen minutes to drive to the cafe and when I walk in it's crazy packed but I grab a menu and stand in line waiting the line usually goes fast here. I feel arms wrap around me and smile to myself, I love how openly affectionate Titan is. I had honestly prepared myself for the fact he would treat me like friend in public because he was so new to dating guys but it's the exact opposite he is actually a little more comfortable than I am with PDA. No matter where we are he is always touching me and I really like it, it shows we are together in a way I never thought would matter but I'm becoming more and more reliant on.

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