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"Ready for delivery then," Brunt inquired of her colleague, "took 'im long enough. What you two talk in there about anyway?"

"He was not. In the least," Shadow-san replied. "There is venom in his eyes. A snake waiting for its moment or--" he turned the paper, sloppy and childish. "The rest of his nest."

"Hoo wee," Brunt chuckled, "ain't look nuthin like--" only to stop short.

A wicked little smile playing on her face. Decevin' little mongrel.

"Poor kid, if that's what he calls a cipher, barely words."

"You are certain? If he has even a single person--"

"If he had a single person he wouldn't be here now would he? He's here cuz his family may well have given him to us all pretty."


Above the second floor loft three Weasleys and bushy haired Hermione Granger watched on bended knee.

The closed doorway to the Order meeting room.

And the roving eyes of both Kreacher and Mrs. Weasley.

With no Extendable Ear it was a matter of patience, no way of knowing for sure if the meeting would perhaps go into the night.


Sirius didn't bother much hiding the yawn.

Stretching his mouth out in a manner some may call impolite.

Yes the current issue being vitally important-- planting seeds within the Ministry, getting a head start on what rumors floated about. What could make it in the paper next and what would not.

All important since in some way or another reached to Him and ergo to Harry.

However he'd had just about his quota of certain people for a whole year! And laying about in a rickety old shitshow of a family house wasn't exactly good for the bones or the senses matter of fact.

"Is one of us perhaps growing bored?"

And there it was.

"Always a tosser. Not even a moment can you be not a right arse Snivellus," Sirius bit back.

"Hmmm we've all been cooped up I think," Dumbledore sagely considered, smile far off but eyes no less alert on the two. 

"Careful Headmaster, wouldn't want to touch a sensitive nerve."

"Like that nerve you've had on Lils for oh, fifteen years now?"

"Why you--"

"Where does the time fly by boys?" Kingsley, right beside the dour bat grabbed his arm. Sending none too pleased glower toward the young Black.

"I think it is right time for dinner," Sirius agreed, admittedly somewhat bitter and huffy.

After all, he knew the hours like clockwork, could discern the steps of the rotten kids upstairs-- a fond heckling, one of the few entertainments he'd had. His godson rightly miffed with him no doubt, went on silence when it came to letters. 

Yet Remus had confirmed there'd been no incident since the ninth.

Remus went with him as they exited the meeting room.

At the edge of his vision he made out the bushy tangle that was Hermione Granger and a blazing red high up. Likely the youngest and yet almost tallest Weasley.

A crooked smile lit up his face.

A nudge was all it took so Remus saw too. Or, considering a lacking reaction, he'd noticed anyways.

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