Getting home and the Sludge villain.

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Cover art link to Xyronii deviant art page
All credit goes to her.
"=" Thinking in head
'abilities being used'
{Mental link being used}
()Authors note
Warframe is a property owned and made by Digital Extremes. And My hero academia is created and based on the original manga made by Kōhei Horikoshi, and is not owned by Me what so ever.

Story is a T rated story with suggestive content, and slight mental gender bending of Izuku.
Warning possible spoilers for anybody who has not done the duviri quest yet or up to the Sacrifice quest yet in Warframe.

Saryn: All right, so we are now about 1 minute from your house, right, Izuku?

Izuku: Yep, just turn right here.

Saryn: ok
IzuRyn: Enter the house with Izuku's keys, and suddenly, WHAM! They are hit by a frying pan.

IzuRyn Tank it like it is nothing.


Izuku and Saryn initiate untransference and then three beings are now in the house.
Saryn: Hello, Inko.
Izuku: hi mom I can explain...
Inko: Breathes, who are you? And she points at Saryn.
Saryn I am 1/3 infested, 1/3 human, and 1/3 metal. I am a Warframe.

Inko: Okay, 0-0, how did you meet my son, Izuku?

Saryn: Well, that was...
The next day passed.

Saryn started to explain what was going on and then,
Izuku: Excuse me, yall, but I'm going to go to the store and buy some green apple soda. Then I'm going to the nearby library to read for 2 hours, as it's currently 2:34 p.m. right now.
Saryn: ok
Inko: Honey be safe, now about that person named Ballas?

1 hour later

Izuku walks to the 7-11 and then hears a loud BOOM- DIE you asshole. Izuku quickly look outside it and saw a slime looking villain suddenly take control of bakugou and launch a huge a explosion at a car destroying a chunk of it.

Izuku: Damn,  he drinks some green apple soda, so let's see how I can save him and not die in the process because the heroes are doing nothing and just standing around and doing nothing

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Izuku: Damn,  he drinks some green apple soda, so let's see how I can save him and not die in the process because the heroes are doing nothing and just standing around and doing nothing.
Izuku runs towards bakugou and throws his backpack at the villains eye balls and that does nothing...suddenly he is stabbed in the stomach and thrown to the ground.
Izuku: {cough- cough help me anybody.

Saryn: heard and felt him weaken in their bond.

Inko: Hey Saryn, you look concerned about what is happening.

Saryn: Izuku is fatally wounded and I need to go-

Inko: I need to come with you-

Saryn No, it's to dangerous for you. She quickly runs out the door.
3 minutes later
Saryn arrives, disappointed at what bullshittery she has come across here. Izuku was on the ground, not bleeding anymore due to the void, but still very fatigued and injured. Heroes were still waiting and fighting defensively, trying to keep the controlled bakugou away from the area while waiting for heroes to fix this situation. 'Spore' ability was used. The slime villain grew this lipoma-looking thing and suddenly was on the ground, separated from Bakugou, and then STAB, Saryn stabbed it in the eye and pulled the blade out.

Slime villain: agh you bitch, that hurt!

Saryn: surrender or face being gravely injured.

Slime villain: never and proceeded to try and stab Saryn
with his sharp tentacles but failed as he was then cut by
'Toxic Lash' ability used. Saryn cuts the villain's two eyes in half while also infecting him with a toxin, causing him to spill on the ground knocked out but still gravely injured.
Saryn turns to Izuku and walks up to him to check up on him and then

Mt Lady: Hey, you vigilante, you can't interfere with hero business, it's not unsafe. Also you used excessive quirk usage against someone which is against the law.

Kamui Woods: look lady didn't really break the law but that was still unsafe to do. Also thank you for saving this person.

Death arms: it could have been too dangerous for you even with those abilities of yours, and that's why this young kid ran into danger and still got injured—a stupid mistake...

Saryn: And what the f**k did you do when Izuku was injured in the middle of this fight? You essentially ignored this mind-controlled attack that turned into a hostage situation. And you just WAITED for another hero with the right quirk to come along and save this boy and Izuku.

Kamui Woods: it was a high heat quirk-

Saryn: So why did you not just burrow your Wood quirk underground like roots  so you wouldn't catch on fire and wrap them around Bakugou instead?! Think outside the box in situations like this.
Bakugou: hey extra I didn't need your damn help saving me-WHAM. He was punched in the face by Saryn, and some of his teeth fell out.

Saryn: Oh, and you keep your damn mouth shut as your friend over here tried to save you but was injured while trying; he was a true hero. Those kinds of heroes get injured when trying to save ungrateful people like YOU!
Saryn starts carrying izuku to a hospital as well as flipping off the hero's and paparazzi who recorded this event.

Musutafu City Hospital
2 hour time skip it is not 5:34pm
Inko: when will he wake u-up.
Doctor Brian: he is in a coma, but I don't know if he will in days, weeks, months. His body is keeping itself in a shielded state, needles are not puncturing his skin whatsoever, and he appears to be stable but in a coma.

Saryn: as long as he is safe then this is fine...

Izuku: "what is going on? I can't move and who are YOU. Rap Tap, Rap Tap TAP TAP TAP! BOO... Izuku stares at this red and black figure.
Izuku: I've seen and heard worse in my life before this...

Suddenly Izuku wakes up in a hospital bed and is stared at by Inko, Saryn who is remaining vigilant as ever, and All Might who came to see him and tell him something.

Izuku: Mom what happened, is Bakugou ok?

Saryn: "Izuku still cares for Bakugou, even so that bastard is ungrateful".

Inko: "Crying". you got Stabbed in your stomach by a Slime villain and was bleeding. but-but somehow was stabilized by your Void powers?

Izuku: Well the void is a nice power. Wait, All Might? What are you doing here?

All Might: I am here to apologize for what I said to you on the rooftop yesterday and say that, You can be a hero Izuku regardless of you formally being quirkless or not. I used to be quirkless myself as my quirk One For All was passed down to me from my mentor before me.

Izuku: ok
Saryn: interesting.
Inko: ok

All Might: And to pass down my quirk you need to injest some of my DNA.

Izuku: so like a blood transfer?

All might: Nah, this is easier.

He took some of his blonde hair off his head. Eat this my boy!

Izuku: Faints...

Saryn: trust me he will wake up in a few hours. He is fine let him  process this.

The Spory Hero, a Mha and Warframe storyWhere stories live. Discover now