Prologue part four: A new friend

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As Aquarius grew, he took a liking to reading. But, he loved reading about horses. On both riding and more general facts like healthcare and biology.

When he was 15, he was just drawing, bored out of his mind.

"Ratchet, mind if I go out for a walk for a bit?" Aquarius asked.

"Sure, just try to be careful," Ratchet said as he fired up the ground bridge.

"I will," Aquarius yelled over the whirls of the ground bridge before going through.

When he emerged from the other side of the ground bridge, his jaw dropped at the forest scenery before him as the ground bridge closed.


He stopped to admire the view for a bit before carefully making his way down the hill he was standing on.

As he descended to the ground, he took in a scenery of a lush green forest with a crystal clear blue lake.

As Aquarius walked around, he suddenly heard a loud neigh.

Aquarius followed the sound and saw a beautiful dappled grey horse with a black mane and tail being retrained by two men with whips.

"Oh no they aren't hurting that beauty," Aquarius grumbled before sneaking down to the scene.

He then snuck behind the man holding the lasso around the horse's neck and snapped his neck, causing the man to drop dead on the ground.

Aquarius growled at the other man, which made the other man shriek and scamper away.

Aquarius glared in the direction the other man went for a bit before focusing on the horse he saved.

The horse was skittish at first and stepped back.

"Shhhhhh, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," Aquarius spoke softly.

The horse took a few steps forward with it's head lowered.

When close, Aquarius found out that the horse is a male.

"That's it, good boy," Aquarius spoke softly while softly petting the horse's neck.

"Do you have an owner?" Aquarius asked.

The horse seemed to shake his head.

"I guess you'll be sheltered by me," Aquarius said while gently scratching the horse's chin.

Aquarius looked closer at the horse and saw white dots in the formation of the constellation of Orion the hunter on the horse's forehead.

"I'll name you Orion," Aquarius declared, in which Orion pushed his head into Aquarius's chest.

"Ratchet, open the ground bridge, I'm bringing a special guest," Aquarius commed.

the ground bridge opened and Aquarius guided Orion through.

(At base)

Aquarius explained his encounter to the other bots and was told that Orion can stay under Aquarius's care.

"We can ride together when you get all better," Aquarius cooed at Orion.

Orion just nuzzled Aquarius's face while whinnying softly.

All the bots awed at the cute scene.

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