Day 17 - Comfort

140 13 4

Series: Rainbow Quest / Steve Saga crossover (Toxin Part 2)

--- Sabre P.O.V. ---

I nod to the guards as I swiftly leave the Rainbow Kingdom, heading for the old abandoned library where M and I always meet up.

He's there already, waiting for me as he scans through another armful of papers.  Standing in for the Red Leader has him busy.

"How are you doing?"  I ask seriously, eyeing the paperwork in his arms.

"It's a busy job."  he mumbles, "But I'm getting it done."  I guess that's all we can hope for, under the circumstances.  I offer my friend a smile.

"I'm sure you're a wonderful leader."  I can't see his face under the hood, but I swear M smiles back.  He reaches out a hand, and I obediently grab it, stepping close enough for him to teleport both of us over to the Red Kingdom.

Now that the Red Leader isn't in his house, M just takes us directly there.  This way, we don't have to worry about any of the other Red Steves seeing me.

I walk confidently down the tunnel in the floor, leaving M to do his leader duties in peace.  While it's nice to check in on him, my real concern is for the sick steves in the quarantine.  After winding through the tunnel, I knock on the iron door.

"Go ahead!"  Assistant Steve calls irritably, and I squint as the fluorescent lights of the lab stream through the opening door.  Once the redstone mechanism stops, I step through, letting it close again behind me.  Assistant Steve rolls his eyes, then trails off to work on one of the Professor's experiments.  Now that Professor Red can't take care of them himself, his creation has been keeping up the work.

I don't bother following him.  Instead, I wind down to where I know the quarantine room is.  I've visited so often in these past few weeks that I know exactly where to find it.

I quickly slip into the room, smiling as two pairs of red eyes meet mine.

"Hey Leader, Professor."  I greet.  The Red Leader looks back down at his lap, but Professor Red grins back.

"Anything blown up, yet?"

"No.  Things are going quite well, actually."  I turn to the leader, wondering if I can cheer him up.  "M says he's doing well.  It's a lot of work, but he's definitely risen to the task.  All the Red Steves look happy so far, even if they miss you."  He glances up briefly, but doesn't say much.  Oh well.

"See, leader?  M's fine!"  the Professor chirps.

"I want to be up there, to help him."  his friend mumbles.

"I've been working on a solution."  I assure him.  From my inventory, I pull out a notebook, where I have carefully compiled all my notes.  "Here, Professor, take a look."

The Red Steve's eyes go wide with delight as he snatches the research from my hands, flipping the notebook open and quickly beginning to read.  I guess he hasn't had many books down here.

Leaving the Professor to do his thing, I cross the room to kneel at the edge of a third bed, where a certain Green Steve is sleeping.

"How has he been doing?"  I ask.

"He sleeps most of the time."  The Red Leader replies, a faint note of worry in his voice.  "Also, I'm not sure if the things he's saying are delusional or if they make sense."  I frown.

Gently, I shake his shoulder, until he stirs from sleep.  His green eyes blink open at me.

"Mmmmm Savior?"

"Sabre."  I correct quietly.

"How long have I been out?"

"I don't know.  I just came in.  Guess what?"

"What?"  I smile.

"I did some research since the last time I visited.  I think I might be closer to finding the cure."

A wistful look clouds his eyes, and a slight smile crosses his face.

"Maybe after we cure the steves here, we can cure the steves back home?  Do you think it can bring my village back?"  he murmurs.

"I- I don't know."  I say honestly.  "But I know that world is strong.  Once we cure the steves there, they'll find some way to move forward."

"Mmmm... I'd like that."  He jolts away, beginning to cough violently.  "S- Sorry Sabre."  he manages.

"Maybe you should go back to bed."  I suggest, wincing at the harsh noise.

"I think so."  he agrees tiredly, curling up again.  Without even checking, I can tell that his fever is getting worse.  I stifle my panic.  I will cure him.  Once the infection is gone, I can take him to an actual healer to get the side effects taken care of.

"I promise I'll heal you."  I murmur quietly, standing back up.  Professor Red hands me back my notebook, nodding solemnly.  I leave the quarantine area.

It's time to save some lives.


Word Count: 769

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