Day 15 - Confinement

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Series: Rainbow Quest (Part 3 of Flowers)

--- Dark Steve P.O.V. ---

"What did you want to speak with me about, sir?"  I asked monotonously.  Inside, I was freaking out, but I wouldn't let him see that.

"Your patrol returned without you, Dark Steve."  Nightmare Steve did not sound happy.  "And their report was... interesting."  Dang it.  I was hoping he wouldn't find out about that.  "So, may I ask, what happened with the Orange Steve?"  I struggled to keep my voice even as I answered.

"I absorbed him, of course."

"Without my permission?"  I blinked.

"I... was not aware I needed your permission."  The statement came out more irritated than I intended it to.

"Who created you?"  I flinched at the harsh tone of his words.

"You did, Nightmare Steve."

"Exactly.  Taking it upon yourself to absorb a steve was irresponsible of you, Dark Steve.  You know that protocol is to infect him only."

"Apologies, sire."  I wondered if I would get out of this without punishment.

"The darkness listened to you merely because you have a higher position.  That shouldn't be something to take advantage of, Dark Steve.  Do I need to remind you that not so long ago, you were one of them?"  Well, what was I supposed to say to that?

"No, sire."  I tried.

"I'm sending you down to the lab for the night.  If you want to act like an ungrateful steve, I can treat you like one.  Think about what you've done."  I concealed a shudder.  I hated the lab.  Nightmare didn't need to know that, though.  Instead of protesting, I nodded solemnly, trying to look bored of the situation.  That is what he expected of darkness.

He clapped twice, and a darkness being came in.  My escort.  I didn't try to pull away as it led me down a secret passage to the lab.  I could have easily fought it off, of course, but that would be cruel.  It was my brethren, after all.  Plus, Nightmare would throw a fit.

The lab was the creepiest place I had ever seen, and I was half darkness.  The stone walls were overgrown and crumbling, making me feel like the whole place would collapse on top of me.  Bloodstains caked into the cobblestones beneath.  It wasn't like Nightmare would clean it up himself.  He certainly couldn't hire someone to do it.

Once upon a time, the cells were filled with steves who had angered him, similar to prison, but more discreet.  He would use these steves, along with condensed darkness, to experiment.  I knew this place was where my creation had truly begun.  It provided Nightmare Steve all the knowledge he needed to create me.

Now that the king was no longer spectating, I didn't hide my shudder of revulsion.  The darkness beside me gave a little nod of agreement.  The darkness wasn't fond of this place, either.  It wasn't only steves who had been hurt down here.

It was only for the night.  I reminded myself as I slowly sat down on one of the mattresses.  The cell lock clicked behind me, and I could tell that the dampeners were activated, preventing me from teleporting out.  I closed my eyes, trying to imagine I were anywhere else.

If only I hadn't let that Orange Steve go.

I'm grateful that you did.

Oh yeah, and I was stuck here with him.

Them, actually.  Assistant's in here, too.

No he was not.  I absolutely refused to believe it.  I stared determinedly at the grimy walls, trying to ignore the voice in my head.

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