Day 31 - Close

156 12 1

Series: Original Rainbow Quest (Part 8 of Hunted)

--- Light Steve P.O.V. ---

"Do you think the training schedules are working for the night guards?"  I asked.  "I feel bad about making them train so early, then sending them to bed.  Do you think we need another training session for them to attend?"

"Why don't you ask them?"  Yellow laughed.  "I'm not on the night shift."  I flush a little, realizing he was right.

"I just trust your judgement, okay?"  I rolled my eyes.  He was right, though.  I could call a brief meeting after their next shift to discuss it with them.  It wouldn't be hard.  "Thanks, Yellow."

"Of cou-"  The end of his words were drowned out as the door slammed open.  We both jumped in our seats, and Yellow scrambled to put his helmet on.  I spun to see Blue, clearly out of breath.

"What the heck?"  I demanded, not wanting to admit that he had startled me.

"It's Sabre-"  he huffed, gasping for more air.  "We- captured him at- the Rainbow Hub."  I sat up straighter, surprised.

"Really?  How did you manage that?"  I asked, swapping a gleeful glance with Yellow.  Or I assumed so, since his helmet blocked his expression.

"He was trying to trick us or something, but we didn't fall for it!"  Blue looked a little proud of himself.  "He came willingly enough, but I think he'll try to talk us out of it."

"I want to see him."  I said instantly, and Yellow nodded in agreement.  Blue looked skeptical.

"You're not going to let him out, right?"  he mumbled.

"Of course not!"  I was irritated by his lack of confidence.  "Blue, I'm not an idiot.  I know what he's done.  I just-"  Painful memories flashed through my mind.  "I want to see him, okay?"  I need some closure on everything that's happened.

"He's the Captain of the Colorless Guard."  Yellow jumped to my defense.  "It's his job to assess security threats.  We've never tested those cells before."  I nodded instantly, grateful for my friend.


"Okay then."  Blue shrugged, motioning us to go on.

As Yellow and I stepped out of the citadel, bright sunlight hit our faces.  I blinked a few times, adjusting to the beautiful day.  All around the streets, steves of different colors were talking together, doing chores.  Despite the dark times we were in, they seemed strangely happy.

The Colorless Guards saluted as I passed.  Each of them had been personally trained by me.  Even with their armor on, I had learned to recognize each of them.  It was like my first guards had said:  Yellow and Violet Steves fighting right alongside each other, not to mention Green and Orange Steves as well.

"Hello Captain!"  I sidestepped as the young Yellow Steve shot past me, arms laden with freshly-harvested food.  The kid paused beside a Green Steve, passing half of the crops into his arms before they walked to the storage house together.  I smiled at the scene.

The steves were growing so much closer, united over a common enemy.

I just wished that the enemy weren't one of my friends.

I hold in a sad sigh as my expression falls.  Yellow noticed, and nudged me gently.

"What's wrong?"  I immediately fished my helmet out of my inventory and put it on, hiding my features.  A wave of light crystal energy flooded through me, helping to numb my emotions.

"It's everything I hoped it would be."  I said simply, holding my head up a little higher.  "I just wish the real Sabre were here to see it."


Word Count: 565

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