22. DramA

586 13 57

A/n : you thought i died?? Then no I'm still in one piece.


~aerin pov~

After resting for a day, it was time to go back to school. I flung my backpack over my shoulders and went downstairs. As usual, everyone was seated on the dining table, having their breakfasts while chatting. I quietly sat between yoongi and taehyung while jin was across me. While having my breakfast, i got lost in my thoughts.

I refused to go to the hospital.

Because if i let them take me there at that time, the doctor would have definitely revealed the cuts on my wrists. A year back, this was the same reason my habit of self harm got revealed to my mom and yeonjun. I wasn't gonna risk letting bangtan know.

Suddenly something poked on my shoulder, making me come out from my little trance. My gaze shifted to look at taehyung poking me with his fork. Knowing that my attention was now on him, he spoke up.

Taehyung : jin hyung called you 3 times now. Where your mind at?

Oops. I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't hear him call me.

I turned to jin, clearing my throat, spoke up.

Ezz : u-uh, sorry. I was just thinking stuff. What were you saying?

Jin : i just wanted to ask if you are feeling okay.

Ezz : uhm, yep I'm quiet good now.

He nodded in understanding when i again spoke up.

Ezz : well....jin. I noticed when you were treating my wound, you were being so professional. You wrapped up my wounds very uh....you know, securely.

I pursued my lips as i was unable to form the sentence clearly.

Jin : oh that. It's just because I'm the one who had always been taking care of the 6 boys as dad was always busy. And I've studied a little bit about medicines too coz i was interested.

I nodded, not feeling the need to comment again and ate my breakfast.

Soon, we drove off to school.


After reaching the school, i was walking towards my class when suddenly someone pulled me by my wrist, making me crush into their chest.

I let out a gasp in reflex.

Yeonjun : you little shit. Why did you not tell me or anyone about those bitches. Why did i got to know about it from your brothers. Do you know how worried I was when I got to know what happened yesterday.

I looked up from his chest. He looked like he'd burst out crying any second now. I softly chuckled at him before saying.

Ezz : I'm sorry jun. But you perfectly know why did I not tell you or anyone about it. I just can't.

I looked down, playfulness disappearing. Yeonjun sighed before speaking up.

Yeonjun : it's okay. But don't hide anything from now on please. And by the way, are you okay. Jin hyung told me you were injured. Is it still hurting?

Ezz : I'm fine now-

The bell rang and we giggled, looking at each other.

Yeonjun : alright, I'll meet you later little devil.

I just smiled and dismissed him.


~time skip to lunch~

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