Chapter 1

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"I told you to stop coming here." Pete shuffled uncomfortably at the sound of those words. He hated hearing them. "I know, I heard you." "Then go home! This isn't a place for you." The man sat beside him, bumping into Pete's shoulder. Pete knew it; a street gang's hideout with violent men and motorcycles was no place for a preppy rich kid like him, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to see Ae, even if it meant he'd be in danger. Pete fell in love with the man the minute he saved his life, and he wanted him by his side.

~a week ago~

"Come on, we're friends, remember? We used to hang out all the time in middle school!" Trump wrapped his arm around Pete's shoulder and squeezed him tightly. Pete could smell the alcohol on his breath and his stomach immediately turned. He felt nauseated just by being in Trump's presence as the memories of his middle school days were just awful. There was no hanging out as friends. Trump bullied Pete for lunch, for money, for things and favours, making his school days miserable, until he found himself a group of like minded friends and they turned violent. Pete started spending breaks hidden behind the lockers or in janitor's closet in hopes to avoid his tormentors.

"I have to go home." Pete muttered quietly as he tried to move away, but Trump was holding him tight as his other friends snickered around. "We're kinda hungry, how about you buy us some snacks? For old times sake." Trump harshly pinched his cheek. Pete flinched. "No, I really have to go home, mom is waiting for me and-" "Lend me some money, I know you have it. I'll pay you back." Trump lied as he opened his palm in a 'gimme' gesture, nudging Pete in the ribs. Pete started to tremble and finally managed to wiggle himself free and he started backing off. "Come on, let's have some fun. Don't you like this? Having boys around you? Come here you little faggot!" Trump's fake smile disappeared and he charged after Pete who stumbled as he tried to run.

Unfamiliar with the area Pete rushed between the buildings until he got stopped by a railing and a good ten metre drop beneath it. There was nowhere else to run as the group approached him and he saw a flash of silver in trump's hand. That bastard had a knife and a sinister grin on his face as he inched closer, making Pete hug the railing. He quickly looked down, knowing if he jumped he'd probably die and he started to tear up. A roar of a motorcycle made the group turn around in shock and Pete watched as the biker turned around, charging straight at them. It seemed like chaos when he was suddenly grabbed by the arm and tossed at the backseat of the motorcycle by a stranger that didn't seem to care for helmets. Pete grabbed the man's waist just in time as he quickly sped up and drove off with him, his open jacket slapping Pete in the face.

After what seemed to be at least ten minutes the motorcycle slowed down and came to a full stop infront of a bus station. "Hey kid, you alright? Oi!" The man jerked his shoulder and Pete finally realised just how tightly he held on, his tears soaking up in the denim jacket infront of him. He quickly let go and wiped his snotty face into his own sleeve. "Yeah uhm... thank you." He hiccuped. "Don't thank me, just get off already." He tapped Pete's leg and the boy stepped off, finally getting a good look at his saviour's face. The guy was definitely older than him and looked kinda ragged, but Pete couldn't stop thinking how handsome that stranger was, with his thick brows and messy hair. His denim jacket had several cuts and safety pins as well as ironed on patches and messy handwritten lettering on the sleeves. His jeans were equally as ripped and his steel toed biker boots hugged his calves.

As Pete's eyes fell on the blood covered baseball bat attached to the guy's leg, another motorcycle parked just besides them with a guy who was definitely of the same bunch. "Where the fuck did you go Ae?! Have you forgotten that- who the hell is this kid?" The guy shouted. Pete's saviour, the man the other guy called Ae, clicked his tongue. "No one. Hey kid, take a bus and go home. There's bad guys lurking around." His friend snickered at that remark and kicked Ae's front wheel. "Let's go already." "Alright alright. Such a nag." He kicked off the stand of his motorcycle and the engine roared to life. A cloud of dust and dirt followed them as they drove off and Pete stared as they disappeared in the distance. He wanted to talk to the guy, thank him, but he was gone. As Pete got on the bus home, he leaned his face against a window and absentmindedly stared at his surroundings. For a brief second he noticed several motorcycles parked by the entrance of an abandoned building, and one of them, was Ae's.

Friend from the wild side ( AePete AU )Where stories live. Discover now