Chapter 9

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"Sit still, I'm almost finished." Lisa frowned, kicking Ae in his side as he fidgeted. She sat on the sofa with her brother on the floor infront of her, his bloodstained shirt bundled up on the floor beside him as she continued working on his wound. "You should go to ER, they'd make it so much neater." Lisa sighed as she stuck the needle into the skin again for another stitch. Ae hissed but shook his head. "Nah, you do a good job. Shit, can't believe that jerk face had the audacity to take a knife on me. Asshole." "Like you always fight fair and square. This is on you, dumbass. Instead of picking fights, you should do something productive, like apologise to Pete." "Who? Ow!" Ae groaned when Lisa painfully twisted his ear. "Should I stitch up your mouth too so you can't spout bullshit like that ever again?" "I got nothing to apologise for!" Ae slapped her hand away. He huffed, eyes fixated on his own bruised hands. "I don't need his pity, I can take care of you myself!" He grumbled, earning himself another smack. "Like hell you can. Ae listen to me. Pete didn't pity you, I did. I just couldn't watch you waste away like that. One of those illegal fights would end up with you dead with how stupidly sleep deprived you were, and I'm not having this baby without you as an uncle. I know you could make the money, I really do, I just wish you just..."

Lisa sighed. She finished the last stitch and wiped the wound with alcohol one more time before slapping some adhesive bandage over it and handing Ae one of his t-shirts. As he put it on and packed up the suture kit, Lisa took his hand and lead him onto the sofa beside her. "Ae, I asked Pete for the money. He didn't offer it as a charity case, I asked him for it. Because of that boy I was able to pay my medical bills, buy a stroller and other baby stuff, and get a freezer full of groceries. With your money it would take a while to afford, and no, I don't want your money. Please, understand me brother." Lisa sighed. "You've already done so much for me, my whole life you've taken care of me. Pete did what you did to him before. He helped out a friend in tough situation. You have to apologise to him, you gave him bruises, dumbass." Ae's eyes widened. "How do you know that?" "Because he called me crying. Said that you probably hate him now. So you better knock down your stupid pride a notch and beg for his forgiveness. He really likes you, you know? I can't imagine why though." "Oi!"


Just by that one word, Pete could tell who's voice that was. He hasn't heard it in over a week, yet it was burned into his brain so well he recognised it immediately. Even in his drowsy state he just knew it was Ae. Why was he calling at 2am, Pete had no idea. Pete tried to clear his throat, he didn't want Ae to know the phone call woke him up. "Ae?"

"Can I see you?"

"Uhm, tomor-"

"I mean right now. I'm in your garden; which window is yours?"

"Ha? Wha-?"

"Just tell me, quickly."

Pete sighed. He switched on the lamp and walked towards his window, doubtful that Ae was actually here. Then he saw it; the man was leaning against a tree, phone to his ear. There was no way he could climb the wall or jump to the second story window, and Pete hesitated. Even though his parent's room was in a different wing of the house, he was scared the maids wouldn't sniff Ae out; literally. "Stay there, I'm coming down." Pete whispered before hanging up. He tiptoed down the stairs and into the garden where he grabbed Ae's arm and rushed him back into his room, locking the door behind them.

"What are you doing here? How did you get past the security system? If anyone saw you..." Pete murmured. Ae pulled a folded paper out of his jean jacket and handed it to Pete who had to squint really hard at the picture. "Is that...?" "Lisa's ultrasound. She's having a girl. The doctor's messed up the dates earlier, she's actually over five months now. I thought you'd like to see it." Ae shrugged. The young man looked around Pete's dimly lit room with envy. It was massive, bigger than his entire apartment, and there were at least two doors that most likely lead to bathroom or a closet. His bed was huge, the carpet was thick and fluffy, and everything looked insanely expensive. His anger made him wanna piss on the floor and walls. "Alright, I'm gonna go now so- oi, hey, why are you crying?" Ae whispered when Pete sobbed quietly, clutching the picture.

Friend from the wild side ( AePete AU )Where stories live. Discover now